A/N- Why I don't reply that much

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Hey guys. So you may have noticed that I'm not exactly the fastest at replying to roleplays and it usually takes me several hours. Most of you are very patient and I am very grateful for that but I feel as if I should explain myself and the reasons I may be slow to reply. Below are a few reasons

1) Different time zones
You may have noticed due to certain words and phrases and spellings I use, I am British so therefore have a different time zone to most of you. So whilst it might be afternoon for you, it would be midnight for me and I would be asleep. My time zone is BST or British Summer Time

2) I am busy
Like most people, I have a life outside roleplay and sometimes am too busy with other activities to reply

3) Lack of energy/ motivation
I am a generally tired person and often I struggle to find energy to reply to roleplays. That might sound stupid but I have many roleplays to reply to at once and feel bad only replying to yours. So I may not reply as I feel too tired to

4) Lack of interest
When I started roleplaying again, I was really into it but slowly over time, I have lost interest in roleplaying. I still enjoy it sometimes but would rather not spend 24/7 roleplaying. So whilst I don't want to stop all together as some roleplays I am interested in and enjoy, I don't really wanna roleplay all the time or force myself to do something I don't always enjoy

So those are the reasons I could think of. Also a few other things to note:

Please only tag me if you see I have replied to others and not you. Sometimes I haven't replied to anyone not just you and it can get annoying if you tag me and can make me feel guilty for not replying. If you are following me, you will be able to see in the activity part of the notifications if I have replied to others but you don't have to follow me. Also, please do not tag me if I am in the process of replying. Only tag me if it is clear I have forgotten to reply

None of you really do this but please try not to guilt trip me into replying. I feel guilty very easily and it will make me feel bad

I try to reply at least twice a day which I know to you may not be much but is what I feel comfortable with

Thank you for understanding and I apologise if it is annoying. There are plenty of other great role players out there who are faster at replying you could roleplay with if you are impatient but at the end of the day, I have to put my mental health first and do what I feel comfortable with. Also, I will not reply to roleplays now as it's getting late and I need to go to bed but had to type this first.

Thank you to everyone who is really supportive and understanding. Love y'all 💖

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