Monster AU

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AU where one or more of the sides are monsters (the type is up to you)

Scenario 1 (does not belong to me. Belongs to Someone_weird373. Check out their roleplay book btw. It's amazing and they're amazing to roleplay with)

Scenario 2: Side A, a monster, has been laughed at by all the other monsters his whole life for not being scary enough so tries to scare a human, side B, to prove them wrong

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Scenario 2: Side A, a monster, has been laughed at by all the other monsters his whole life for not being scary enough so tries to scare a human, side B, to prove them wrong

Scenario 3: Side A is side B's monster in their closet. Side B is a child (please nothing romantic unless the monster is also a child) and is abused by their parents so side A must help side B fight the bigger monsters

Scenario 4: Make it up

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