Descendants AU

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An AU where all the Sanders Sides are the sons of Disney characters. Please note that this does not have to follow the plot of the Disney film and the characters are not based off of those in the film, just the concept

Ships are allowed and you can decide which character is the son of which Disney character. I do have a few ideas though but they are just suggestions that do not have to be followed and not all characters must be included:

Prince Logan- Son of Belle and the beast (does not have to be prince Ben/ the next king)

Prince Patton- Son of Snow White or son of Rapunzel and Eugene

Emile- Son of Jimney Cricket

Remy- Son of Megara and Hercules

The Isle of the lost:
Deceit- Son of Jafar (maybe the leader Idk)

Roman and Remus- Twin sons of Gaston

Virgil- Son of Hades

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