Oh No

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Once the words were out of Biana's mouth, Dex opened his to reciprocate her words, when all of the sudden the triplets came crashing through the door again.

"I swear I'm going to bolt that thing shut." Dex grumbled as Bex hugged Fitz's waist and said something about him needing to 'tie the knot' with Dex.

Biana giggled and high-fived Bex once she was done hugging Fitz. Lex tried to grab Biana's hands, but before he could, Rex grabbed him and held him down, calling him a perv.

"I am not!" Lex shouted, trying to break free of Rex's grasp.

Rex dragged him backwards out of the room, closing the door before he yelled a "Sorry!" to Dex, Biana, and Fitz.

"How long have you been trying to get in here?" Biana asked Bex, who'd now grown the same height that Biana had been at age fourteen. The Dizznee's were quite the growers.

"About twenty minutes. Basically ever since Dex kicked me out again." She responded, turning to stick her tongue out at her older brother.

Dex stuck his out in response, while Biana meanwhile, fondled with Bex's curly hair. Growing up with four brothers, Bex wasn't really into pretty and girly things-that is until Biana was around her.

"When did you get here?" Bex asked.

Biana shrugged saying, "I've been here a while. Was it your idea to make Rex wet-whillie Dex's ear?"

"No, that was Lex."

"That makes more since I guess."

"Yeah, Lex was going to make him do more-like he had this crazy scheme to make Fitz come out and go all protective boyfriend bear over Dex, but I told him it was a bad idea since the last time we'd broken Dex's boundaries things did not go over well."

"What are Dex's boundaries?" Fitz peered into the conversation.

Bex and Dex shared a look.

"You don't want to know." She said, and left it at that, changing the subject to Biana's hairstyle for the day. A messy bun up-do, that was so messy, it was absolutely stunningly gorgeous.

As they got into a long talk about fashion, Dex turned to Fitz. "Are you really sure it'd be a good idea to follow one of them?"

"I mean, no. Actually it's probably the worst idea I've came up with in a while, but do you see another choice?"


Fitz waited for Dex to continue, before giving in and asking what it was.

"Well, every species ever has a registry, right?" Dex said, a smile making it's way to his face.

"Yes." Fitz said, slowly.

"Which meeeeeaaaaaans?" Dex looked at Fitz, expecting the smart Vacker boy to understand.

Fitz face lit up suddenly, and it looked like a light had gone off in his head. "A spyball."

"A spyball." Dex nodded.

"A spyball?" Bex asked, looking over her shoulder curiously.

Dex, Fitz, and Biana went into a small panic and scattered for words to say before the latter of the three came up with an idea. "Yeah, we were planning on spying on you three to see when you would strike next."

Following her plan, Dex gave a whine. "Why'd you tell heeer? Now I have to come up with other ways to spy on them."

Fitz snorted at them all as Bex pouted.

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