The Characters

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A/N: So these characters technically are mine but some of the aspects and personalities are "borrowed" from the Eeveelution Squad, a series on YouTube


Gem is an intelligent Espeon who takes joy in looking after others and tries to be polite and kind. Sometimes she can be manipulative and can snap under pressure. She is around 24 years old.

Shadow is a calm Umbreon who prefers to be alone. She likes people who don't ask too many questions. She would never hurt anyone intentionally, despite her "creepy" appearance. She is around 19 years old.

Solar is a very shy Flareon, who relies on his brother to stick up for him and to look after him. He likes watching Disney films and snuggling with his brother. He is around 20 years old.

The brother of Solar, Spike is a rowdy Jolteon who likes to have fun. He often doesn't realise how angry he can get. He is very protective of his adoptive daughter and he overreacts sometimes. He is around 23 years old.

Mist is a snarky Vapeoreon who is known for making bad decisions and not thinking about the consequences. She is extremely extroverted and likes to stand up for what she believes in. She is around 18

The sister of Mist and Willow. Tiaga is a hasty Glaceon who has a big crush on Solar but he's too dumb to realise. She doesn't talk much. She is around 15.

Herb is a peculiar Leafeon with big ideas and likes to think he's going to change the world someday (he probably won't). He doesn't fit in with the other Eeveelutions and feels very misplaced in his group of friends. He is around 17

Willow is a naughty Sylveon who turns boy's heads wherever she goes. She likes to mess and toy with males she meets. She is around 15.

Stella a quiet Eevee who is the adopted daughter of Spike. She loves playing with the other Eeveelutions (not in the same way Willow does) and it's almost impossible to get mad at her. She gets away with a lot and can be spoilt sometimes. She is 5 years old.

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