Chapter Twelve - Imbalance

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Spike's POV

"G'night, Eevee. Sweet Dreams, I love you." I whispered as the little girl started to drift into sleep. I was pretty tired myself, but what was I supposed to do? Sylveon was out with Vaporeon, doing presumably tacky shopping in the city centre. Umbreon, my gf (!!!), was talking to Espeon on the phone. They seemed pretty involved in an in-depth conversation about something.

I would talk to my brother but he seemed to have a lot on his mind. I really hope he's okay. He told me he's been going out to see Dad recently, but I don't know why. Apparently he's a scumbag, and that's why we left mum and Flare in Russia. I didn't want to go with Dad and leave the others but he basically dragged me along with him. As I was just a scrawny Eevee, I didn't even try to fight, so I just went with him. That might've been the worst decision of my life. Well, the only thing that tops that is me accidentally drinking a swimming pool. I wish the others (mainly Vaporeon) would stop bringing that up. It's not even funny anymore.

So I just moped around for a while, before making my way into the kitchen.  Going to grab a snack, I yanked open the fridge door, only to hear a quiet squeal. I nearly jumped out of my skin. Glaceon was randomly sitting in the fridge. She yelped and jumped out as fast as possible, me still stood there terrified.

"W-what are you- wh- what?" I said, utterly confused.

"I was-" She started, but then trailed off when she realised that she didn't usually talk to anybody. But then I guess she changed her mind. "Do you really want to know?"

"I-I just came in for jam, I don't-" I stuttered, still shaken by the creepy experience. "Glacy, can you just-"

Glaceon stared at me with her piercing blue eyes. "I'll tell you. I'll speak and you'll listen. Sit." She gestured towards the cold-looking kitchen tiles. I, however, was trying not to laugh, as she spoke with such a serious tone, acting as if she wasn't sitting on the third shelf of the refrigerator. Her voice was weird. Her accent is messed up.

When I realised she was serious, I hastily plonked down onto the floor, my ears pointed towards her, at attention. "Alright. Here's my story. It all started when I was just an eevee. My parents were out leaving me home alone with my sisters." She started, clearing her throat. Her eyes seemed to glaze over, and I couldn't tell why. "I was upstairs, playing with Willow when Mist calls us to come downstairs. So we go to the back door, where Misty is. She is outside, holding something in one hand and a bloodied knife in the other."

I was totally confused because a) Sylveon wouldn't have come downstairs, first she would've asked why and b) this story seems familiar. I swear I've heard this before, from someone else. Not Sylveon or Glaceon. Or Vaporeon. Also, how the hell does this explain why she's in a fridge? "What was it?" I asked gingerly.

"You wouldn't believe. You see, we actually had a younger brother, Dexter, and he was so nice. We would play with him everyday. Well, me and Willow would. Mist knew we loved him, but she did it anyway. It was Dexter in her hand, he was very still." She explained, her expression staying surprisingly neutral for somebody who supposedly saw her dead brother before her, killed by her sister. "Eventually Mist left him out there, so we checked for a pulse but couldn't find one. To this day, I don't know how Mist walks around with the burden on a murder on her shoulders."

"Really?" I asked, bewildered.

Her expression shifted slightly, and she had a glint in the corner of her eye, but her mouth still stayed unreadable. Suddenly her seriousness broke, only for a second but I caught it.

"No! Do you really think I'd live with a murderer?" She laughed mockingly, "Plus, Misty would never kill someone. Maybe she jokes about it but she's secretly a little pussy. Bit like you"

"Hey!" I said playfully, turning my face away from her in mock anger. She smiled again.

"Sorry for lying Jolteon, but you should've seen the look on your face!" She said, wheezing with laughter.

"Gotta say, I don't think I've ever seen you laugh before." I told her and she cocked her head sideways. "It's cute."

She looked so much like Sylveon in that moment, wide, excited eyes and a playful grin on her face. I was just about to comment on that when Espeon came in. Glaceon shrieked again but this time she fell out of the fridge.

Espeon glanced at me, then at Glaceon, then back at me. "I'm not even going to ask." Espeon muttered, "I need to know, Jolteon, can you help us carry these heavy boxes out to the van outside? You're pretty strong."

I scoffed. "Pretty strong? I'll have you know I'm stronger than everyone here combin- hold on. Why are we taking boxes out? What's going on?"

Espeon looked nervous. Her eyes shimmered, looking like she could break down crying at any given moment. I'd never seen her this way. Her fur was thoroughly dishevelled, which was a sight. Espeon was usually on top of everything, but right now she looked like she didn't have anything worked out. Whatever she had done, she hasn't thought it through.

I was getting impatient. "Espy! What the hell is going on?" I half-shouted.

She sighed and shook her head slightly. "I was going to wait to inform people individually but seeing as it's just you two... I'll tell you now." Espeon told us, stumbling over a few words. I raised my eyebrows and Glaceon nodded, still sticking to not saying a word. The next words she spoke were choked out. "We're leaving."

Glaceon and I looked at each other. What did she mean, leaving? We couldn't leave! This was our home. There has to be a reason. "We're leaving? All of us?"

"No. We're leaving. Me, you two, Flareon and Sylveon." Espeon explained, tears running down her cheeks. "So, pack up."

I was dumbstruck. "What? Espeon, don't tell me your serious." I said, trying to make out that it was all a big joke.

Espeon shook her head. "Jolteon, please! We have to-"

"Why? Why must we?" Glaceon piped up, her brows furrowed. Espeon looked shocked as hell, her mouth hanging open at Glaceon's question. "Close your mouth, Espy, you look like you're catching flies."

Fresh tears fell from the psychic type's face onto the floor. I didn't know what was going on, but even still I felt for her. She's had such an awful life, and yet she strives to make sure everyone around her isn't. Isn't doing as bad as she is. Because they wouldn't be able to cope like she can. She's the strongest person I know, and yet here she was, a crying, broken shell of a pokémon. Something serious must be up.

She half whispered, half hysterically screeched when she spoke. "Umbreon- she... she... argh! No, she- uh- she did this thing I can't say- no- no- NO NO PLEASE" She finished shouting.

"Espeon! Are you okay?" I asked, thoroughly concerned.

She smiled wearily and nodded, but I knew she was lying. "Yes. Now please... just pack... please! I'm begging youse." She stammered, a pleading look in her eyes. I shared a glance with Glaceon.

"Espy, we can't until you explain more" Glaceon said in a therapeutic voice.

Espeon spoke now through between sobs. "O-okay. I'll tell you..."

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