Chapter Thirteen - The Side I Haven't Seen

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Pearl's POV (Espeon's POV)

Jolteon and Glaceon looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. I wanted to tell them, I really did, but there was something in the back of my mind screaming at me not to. And for some reason I listened to it. "You-you know what- uh- just- I'll tell you later-"

"No, Espy, tell us now" Glaceon demanded. It was strange that she was speaking with such confidence considering she doesn't ever speak. Maybe now she could open up to us. Or maybe not. You can never really be sure with pokémon like Glaceon.

Jolteon gave me a look, his ears perked up, ready for anything that I might say or do. Jolteon is a good man, if a little arrogant sometimes. He's just always there to speak to, and he doesn't judge. You could weep your heart out or rant for days and he'd be there, listening. He's the best friend anyone could ever ask for. And I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling him. No way.

Instead, I looked back on what happened.

3 hours earlier

I splashed my face with cold water, then dried off and tried to leave the bathroom, but Umbreon came in. But she looked... different. Her eyes were a scarlet red, when usually they were golden yellow. "Hey, Umbreon."

She ignored me and stared me down. Before I knew it she had pressed me up against the wall, my hands above my head. Umbreon looked me up and down, smirking coldly. I didn't understand. Why was this happening? It didn't make sense, Umbreon wouldn't do this. Or would she?

Her free paw inched down my side while the other held my hands in place. "Umbreon, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Baby, am I not allowed to have a little fun?" She said, licking her lips seductively. "Be reasonable"

I didn't really have an answer to that. This just wasn't like Umbreon, but the accent and general look was identical, apart from the eyes.

"Umbreon, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice not wavering, acting confident although I was physically shaking. Her eyes darkened, becoming a cherry red colour.

"My liege, I need you to..." She started in a malicious voice. Then, her eyes suddenly switched back to yellow. "Lend me twenty quid. Please? I asked Sylveon but she said she didn't know what money was, and I know she was lying so-"

"Whoa, what the hell just happened?" I asked, dumbfounded.

She looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Okay, somethings going on. Either you have split personalities and each one has no memory of the other, or you are straight up lying to me, in which case we have a different problem."

Again, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Espeon, what are you on about?" Before I had chance to answer the bathroom door swung open, revealing Flareon. He blushed when he saw what position we were in. Umbreon immediately dropped her arms in shock and backed away from me.

"I... I just came in h-here to, uh," He said, struggling over his words, "Look, I heard loud noises from this room and I was worried. But you are okay, no?"

I looked to Umbreon and she looked down at the floor. "Hey, Flare, are you okay?" I asked cautiously. You see, when he was talking I noticed a glint in his eye, like he was hiding something. He was increasingly nervous too, although, to be fair that may have been because of me and Umbreon. Anyway, Flareon was known to be shy and nervous, often jittery-like, so I only had a slight suspicion.

He nodded, and began to turn away but then he saw the expression on my face, one of fear and confusion. "E-Espy? What's wrong?"

I wanted to talk to him, I did, but something was stopping me. "Nothing, Flareon, honestly, nothing." I said, shaking my head.

He didn't look convinced, but nevertheless he shrugged his shoulders and left. I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding.

Umbreon turned to me with blood-red eyes and gritted her teeth. "You. You almost told him," She spat, grabbing a razor from the side and holding it against my neck. "Didn't you?"

I grimaced as her warm breath fanned against my face. I did not want her this close to me. "Back off, Umbreon." I told her with false confidence. My plan to intimidate her backfired as she pressed the blade further against my fur.

"Espeon, I don't want to kill you." She told me unconvincingly, forcing a smile. "All I want is for you to get away from Jolteon."

I was stunned. Did she think I wanted Jolteon romantically? "That's ridiculous, Umbreon, we're nothing more than friends."

"Oh really?" Her smile fell, instead settling on a cold glare. "I already have plans to kill you."

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my paw. "W-what?"

"Oh, and not just you. Everyone else. You see-" Out if nowhere she changed back mid-sentence. She seemed star-struck for a second, before her thoughts seemingly all of a sudden clicked back into place. "You- what- I'm- I- what?"

Then she noticed the razor in her hand and the blood starting to dribble down my body from the pressure. In fright, she threw it in the sink as if she had no idea. "Get away from me."

Frozen in shock, I was trying to comprehend everything that happened. "Umbr-"

"GO! Get out of here! I'm so scared, ESPY! I'll kill you!!! Just leave so I can't." She yelled at me, thank goodness the door was closed. Eevee was trying to sleep.

"Umbreon, you can get help. It's all going to be okay." I said soothingly, placing a hand on her shoulder. She jerked away from my touch instantly.

"No, it's not. Not for you. Any of you." She started, trembling. "You know those dark pokémon?" I nodded. "The ones with the guns? Yeah, well they must've cursed me, and the house while they were at it. That's why you have to leave. Pronto." She explained.

I'm here thinking, bitch please. Like those creatures would curse a whole house. My wig had been SNATCHED I was that shocked. I was about to say something witty and ignore what she said when she slammed her hands on the sink.

"Espeon, take the others and go! Please! I'm doing this for you."

"N- wait what? What is that supposed to-"

That's all I remember before I blacked out.


"Well?" Glaceon asked, hands on her hips, waiting for an answer.

I snapped away from my reflecting and faced those two. Jolteon was saying something too but I couldn't make it out. Then a fourth person entered the room, but I couldn't tell who it was. The others were blurry and wobbly and black spots filled my vision. The last thing I hear is my name being yelled very loudly and the patter of many footsteps.

Then I blacked out.


I must be weak.



so it's been forever since I updated so HERE IT IS 🎉🎉🎉

sorry for being a lazy bitch

btw why did i include the razor bit??? why would eeveelutions need razors??? they don't exactly want bare legs. that would be weird. just don't think too deeply into it.

~thor again cause pip left xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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