Chapter Six - Russian Roulette

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Mist's POV

My eyes felt glued shut. I felt someone's paw in mine. I wondered where I could possibly be. All I could hear was a high-pitched ringing in my ears. I tried to let the person know I was awake, but I felt so weak. I used all my might to move my fingertip, just a little, but it was enough to grasp the attention of the person.

I felt the person flinch and pull their hand away sharply. I suddenly became aware of the thin fabric that was covering my skin. The person was trying to talk to me but all I could hear was muffled mumbling. My hearing levelled out after a while and I could hear everything. The first thing I heard was an irregular beeping coming from beside me. I desperately tried to force my eyes open but they just wouldn't.

"Vaporeon? What was that? Are you awake? Hello? Come on, Misty! Help me out here. Oh my gosh never in York have I ever-"

"Concrete jungle where dreams are made of... there's nothing you can't do..." I mumbled, trailing off. I heard Sylveon laugh from across the room.

"Mist, I think that's New York, not York"

"Same thing" I muttered, trailing off again. Then I came to my senses. I got that feeling, like I was somewhere unfamiliar. My eyes suddenly felt unstuck and I slowly pushed then open. I felt blinded by the bright ceiling, but I had came this far already, so I opened my eyes fully.

Sylveon and Glaceon were bent over me, looking down. Sylveon was wearing a sombrero and a dollar sign chain necklace. Glaceon was wearing a hawaiian shirt, a fedora and Jolteon's dog tags. I was surrounded by white. Both were looking at me with wide smiles.

"Am I in hell?" I asked nervously. Both their smiles fell and they shared a look.

"No, Misty, you're not dead." Glaceon whispered, matching my tone to soothe me. It was working. "You're in A&E..."

"Well, what happened?" I whispered back tentatively. Glaceon clenched her teeth together, trying to work out how to explain this to me.

"Well, we all had a lot to drink, and-"


"Willow, shut up! Then when you got to the hospital-"


Glaceon looked horrified. "Willow! You don't have to yell everything! So yeah.... and then they found you had kidney disease so you are being treated for that-"

"You slipped into cardiac arrest whilst worrying about having a heart monitor put in-"

"And you have poor blood circulation-"

"And lover issues"

"Lover issues? Don't you mean liver issues?" I questioned Sylveon, staring into her blue eyes curiously.

"I'm pretty sure she said lover. That's accurate anyway."

I wanted to slap her straight through that stupid white wall but my paws were too weak.

Gem's POV

I couldn't believe Vaporeon was sent to hospital. I hope she's okay. I do worry about her. Well, I worry about everyone. And every little thing. Gosh, I need to get a grip. Sylveon said she had a heart attack, but maybe she was just being dramatic? I don't know anymore.

Maybe I should check on her. Then again, I don't think she likes me. I thought we were friends, but I guess I'll just go back to being that little eevee from the ugliest city ever (don't get triggered I'm from Birmingham too). That's what they say.

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