Chapter One - Nightmares

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Solar's POV

I tiptoed into the kitchen, slowly shutting the door so not to wake anyone. I reached for the light switch and pressed it lightly, seeing light flood the room. Opening the cupboard, I grabbed a mug and some tea. I guess I could've just heated the water up, but I'd gotten into the habit of not using my powers unless it was absolutely necessary, so I flicked the switch down on the kettle and waited for it to boil.

When it was done I prepared the tea and sipped it slowly as I started to walk back to my room. My hands absent-mindedly brushed against the walls (yeah I know these Pokémon aren't biped but it just fits better ok so sue me) but then I stopped abruptly outside Leafeon's room.

It was true, I had feelings for Leafeon. But surely he didn't feel the same way? Also, this kind of thing is frowned upon in my country. My brother wouldn't even be able to look at me. Well, it's not his fault. He was raised that way. Yet so was I, but I'm still like this! What am I going to do?

I raised my orange fist to the door and solemnly knocked three times.
"Come in"
I pushed the door open and peered into the room to see Leafeon, sitting up in bed reading a book. Damn, why did he have to be so cute? I sighed as I slowly walked over to the bed, knees threatening to give out at any moment. I got that sick feeling in my stomach so I just sat on the edge of the bed, thinking I could throw up at any minute.

"H-hey Leafy" I stammered, accent thickening with panic.

"Hi Flare! I've missed talking to you! How are you?"

I was taken aback by his sudden friendliness. He was having a conversation with me like it wasn't 2am on Monday morning. So I decided to try to combat this everlasting optimism.

"Yes, I am fine, what about you?"

"Just 'fine'? What's up, Flareon?"

"Nothing, it really is nothing" I mumbled, falling under his questioning glare "Why are you up at this hour?"

"Could say the same about you"

"Well," I started, fiddling with my neck fur, " I-I had a nightmare"

"Sorry to hear that Flare," He replied smoothly, like he wasn't dying on the inside. Like he wasn't trying to hide something. Like he wasn't madly in love with one of his closest friends. Not like me.
"well, if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always come here, I'll always listen."

"Really?" I asked, my eyes brightening like I was a young eevee all over again.

"Yeah of course! That's what friends do for each other."

Next part:

"Jolteon you can't cook a croissant!"


So this is the first chapter of my first proper book! Sorry it's so bad the next chapters will be better I promise.

Thor xx

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