Chapter Two - Yes, I can

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Tiaga's POV

Vaporeon's being well annoying. Who pulled her neck ruff now? Ridiculous. I can't believe I have to live with these idiots everyday. Sylveon thinks that just because she's the older twin she can boss me around. Well that's not true.

I walked into the kitchen, eyes widening at the sight before me

"Jolteon! What are you doing?" Vaporeon yelled from behind me

"I'm trying to make breakfast. Is that such a crime?" He spat back

"What are you trying to cook?"

"I am trying to cook crochons"


"Crochons. Never heard of it?"

"No, mainly because that's not a real thing"

"Sure it is! It's French! I think. It's a pastry, looks like a crescent."

"A wagon wheel?"

"What? No. How does a wagon wheel look like a crescent?"

I sighed at the sight before me. This was just another morning. Jolteon would try to cook something, and fail, and then pronounce it incorrectly. Then when he tries to explain it, Vaporeon would try to guess what it is. She's way far off every time.

Then Espeon strode in like the dominant female she isn't, and say down at one of the bar stools next to Vaporeon and far away from me. She seems to like Vaporeon, like they're 'best pals' or something else boring.

I generally don't like talking. I feel that it ruins life, that it's boring, that you should be out there, doing things, not talking. But here they all were. Talking. It's not really selective mutism as it is a choice. The Eeveelutions think I'm mute. I can talk, I just choose not to.

"What's going on in here?"

Espeon looked confused at the array of Pokémon sat at the kitchen island. Us three don't really hang out much.

"Jolteon's trying to cook 'crochons'"
Vaporeon stated, putting air quotes around 'crochons'

"What's a crochon?"

Here we go again. Every damn morning.

"It's a pastry, possibly from France, looks like a crescent."

"Oh right. A brioche?"

"No, it looks like a crescent!"

"Oh okay. A wagon wheel."

"I don't know what weird-ass wagon wheels you lot are eating but I really wanna know. No! It's a crochon!"

"What do you think Glaceon?" Vaporeon asked, looking at me.

I just stared into her eyes and looked confused

"Oh right, I forgot, silent twin"

"Try pronounce it differently Jolteon."


I knew what he was talking about. This was stupid. Jolteon has gone through his whole life thinking 'croissants' are pronounced 'crochons'. Ridiculous.

"Ohhh, a croissant!"

"Yes! That!"

"Jolteon, it's pronounced 'cwasson' not 'crochon' or 'crosshon' or even 'quackson'"

"Right. Thanks Espy"

"Jolteon you can't cook a croissant!"

"Yes, I can."

"No, you can't."

"Maybe you can't but I can"

"Jolteon this isn't about skill! It's about it being impossible! Nobody can cook a croissant!"

"Well then, how come I just did, VAPOREON?!"
Jolteon exclaimed, holding up a warm chocolate chip croissant that looked slightly if not completely burnt.

"You didn't cook it! You just put it in a frying pan and hoped for the best."

"Yes, I did. But you see, it worked!"

"No, it didn't work. That is burnt."

Then we hear the deafening noise of the fire alarm overhead.

"See? I told you Jolteon!"

Vaporeon grabbed a tea towel and fanned the alarm, but it didn't stop.

"What the..."

Then Leafeon yelled down the corridor.

"What are you guys doing?? There's a fire!"

"An actual fire?"

"No, the fake, knockoff, bargain brand fire. YES AN ACTUAL FIRE."

I sighed. Of course there is.

Next Part:

"Espeon! Vaporeon! Flareon's dead!"

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