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Poison drips into our veins
Numbing us like Novacain
We don't care who we hurt or love
We think only of ourselves
We tear, we scream at those we hate
They get in our way and should pay in blood
But fighting fire with fire never worked
Why would venom do different
We are humans and never learn
We're cruel and cold
Empthy is a foreign word
Keeping others from being heard
We shout our hate destroying lives
Watch people drop like flies
Spitting poison and venom
We pound others down
Pitiful people
That's who we are
We cut out hearts without care
They scream in pain and we stare
We laugh at the cruelty
We laugh at it all
Taking pleasure in watching others fall
Humans are monsters that kill for fun
We scream at others as they run
Angels fall to our venom
We infect and take over
Every last feather
Their halos melt in our cruelty
They become one of us
Demons cursed to walk the Earth
They become humans who have nothing to offer but pain

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