{1} Henry, the Mayor's Kid

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I was coming back from my lunch and I wasn't exactly happy. On my lunches, I usually go home, eat something, and then take a nap. I got sidetracked today though so I wasn't able to take a nap. I walked into the back entrance of the diner and put on my apron. As I walked through the kitchen, people greeted me like they usually did. I would smile and wave before continuing forward. I talked with one of the other waitresses as she pointed me to a table.

At the table sat a man in a pinstriped suit with converse and a girl with blonde hair. They were laughing at something the man said. I put on a smile, got out my notepad, and a pen then walked over to them. "Hi, what can I get you?" The two instantly froze and turned to me with shocked looks. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Lux?" The blonde asked.

I turned to her and put my hands on my hips, "I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

The man quickly cut in, "Uh... No! No, you don't. And we're fine. We don't need anything."

Still being very confused by the whole conversation, I put on another smile, "Okay." I slowly turned and walked back behind the counter. I wonder what the hell that was about. That girl really seemed like she knew me, but that guy cut in saying that we've never met. There were always some weird people who came into this diner.


I walked inside the small bakery and ordered two cupcakes. It was my older sister's, Emma's, birthday today. We never really got baked goods because we were always trying to save up our money. It only made sense to get it today because of the special occasion. While the woman was getting the order, I felt someone walk up beside me. "Hey, you're the man from the diner, right?" I asked him. It was the same guy who was with that blonde girl.

"Yeah," He replied. He held his hand out for me to shake, "I'm the Doctor."

I shook his hand, "Lux, Lux Swan. Just the Doctor?"

He nodded. I doubt that 'the Doctor' is his real name. Unless his parents were some weird people. It doesn't matter much to think about it. I'm never going to meet him again so why dwell on it? The Doctor broke me out of my thoughts by asking, "So what did you come here for?"

"It's my older sister's birthday today. I decided to get some cupcakes for us to celebrate," I explained. "What are you here for?"

The Doctor shook his head, "Oh, I'm just looking around." I nodded and the woman gave me my order. I said goodbye to the strange Doctor and started walking home. When I got there, I realized that I got here before Emma. She might come back sooner or later. I set the cupcakes down on the counter and went to my room to change out of my work uniform.

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