{9} Ashley's Deal

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Emma and I stood in front of Ashley's boyfriend's house. Henry waited out in the car which he didn't like. He wanted to come with us, but Emma made him stay in the car. He then tried to use puppy dog eyes on my, knowing I might crack. I about did, but I didn't because Emma ended up dragging me away. Emma knocked on the front door and we waited for a response. The door opened to reveal a man, "Can I help you?"

"Sean Herman?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," He replied, "Who are you?"

"I'm Emma Swan and this is my sister Lux," I waved at him and Emma sighed, "I'm... I'm looking for Ashley Boyd. She's in trouble. I just thought maybe she came to see you."

A voice spoke up from behind us, "My son doesn't have anything to do with that girl anymore," I turned to see a well-dressed man walking up the front steps, "So whatever trouble she's in, I am sorry for, but there's nothing we can do to help you." This must be Sean's dad. He and Sean looked a lot alike and he seemed way older than Sean.

Emma stared at him, "You're the reason he broke up with her."

"Absolutely. I'm not gonna let my son throw away his entire life over a mistake." He looked over at Sean who looked away from him. I gave a sympathetic glance to Sean. I didn't know how it felt to have a controlling parent since I didn't have parents, but I know that it must be hell.

"So let me get this straight here," I had a smile on my face, but I was madder than I ever thought I could be. This made me so mad that I wanted to punch him in the face, "You told him to leave her because she was pregnant?"

There was no look of remorse on his face, "Well, what are they going to do, raise the child in the backseat of a car?" I had to hold myself back from lunging at him. The fact that he had no faith in Ashley or his son made me so upset.

Emma put her hand on her hip, "Some people only have the backseat of a car."

"Well, they're to be pitied. I'm not letting that happen to my son." He walked inside the house without a word. I so wished that this was our house because I could slam the door in his face. That would bring me so much satisfaction. You have no idea.

Sean was on our side, "Dad, maybe we should help her look."

"It's a waste, Sean." He told him.

Emma leaned towards Sean and whispered to him, "Sean, if you want to come, come. Stop letting other people make decisions for you. If Ashley runs away with this baby, she's gonna be in some serious trouble."

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