{7} Toll Bridge

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The Sheriff, Mary-Margaret, Emma, and I were all walking through the woods. These woods look like something out of Harry Potter. I just got a creepy feeling from it. Then again, the woods always creeped me out. I got lost in the woods when I was younger so now they freak me out. We were looking for John Doe so we could bring him back and see if he was alright. It was actually cold out here so I regret not bringing a jacket with me. Graham leaned down and stared at something on the ground.

"What is it?" Emma asked.

Graham looked around in front of us, "The trail runs out here."

"How could the trail just disappear?" I inquired. It's not like he could started floating away. Unless... No, I'm just being stupid now. I'm willing to give aliens and fairy tale characters a bit of leeway, but a person flying? I honestly doubt that would ever happen.

"You sure? Because I thought tracking was one of your skills." Emma said.

Graham stood up, "Just give me a second. This is my world. I got it."

Emma gave him a weird look, "Right. Sorry." I stared at him with a 'What?' look at what he said. He walked a little ways ahead of us while we stayed still. I had to admit, Graham was a little bit weirder than I originally thought.

Mary-Margaret turned to Emma, "What does he mean, 'His world'? Isn't finding people your thing, too?" She was right. Emma was pretty skilled at finding people. Whether they wanted to be found or not. She was definitely really skilled at it.

Emma nodded, "Sure. Just, people I find usually run places like Vegas. Not a lot hit the woods."

"It's an interesting job - Finding  people. How'd you fall into it?" Mary-Margaret seemed really interested in it. It was kind of interesting if you haven't heard someone complain a lot about it before.

Emma took a deep breath, "Looking for people's just what I've done... As long as I can remember." Ouch, that hurt. I felt a pain in my heart at the emotional torture I was currently going through. I've honestly never heard a truer statement in my life.

Emma looked away and Mary-Margaret got a closer look at her face, "What made you start? Your parents?" Emma and I looked over at her in confusion. How did she know that? "Henry," Well, that explains it, "Told me that your... Th-That you were from a similar situation to his own. Did you ever find them?"

"Depends who you ask." Emma responded. Mary-Margaret continued to stare at us with a confused look. I would be confused too if I got an answer like that. She thankfully didn't ask anything else about our parents.

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