{11} The "Ironsides"

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"They're Daleks. They're called Daleks." The Doctor flipped over the blueprints that Churchill had given to him. I didn't really understand what he was talking about at all. What were Daleks? Were they bad? If so, then how bad? It must've been a lot to make the Doctor worry.

"They are Bracewell's Ironsides, Doctor," Churchill was still adamant on them being Ironsides and not Daleks. The Doctor didn't seem too convinced, though, "Look. Blueprints, statistics, field tests, photographs. He invented them."

The Doctor gave him an unconvinced look, "Invented them?" He laughed a little, "Oh, no, no, no."

Churchill nodded once, "Yes. He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago. Fellow's a genius."

Amy had a big smile on her face. She looked very proud, "A Scottish genius, too. Maybe you should listen to-" Amy was cut off.

The Doctor held up a hand and shushed her, "He didn't invent them. They're alien."

"Alien?" Churchill and I asked at the same time. Why was I surprised at this point? I had literally almost been eaten by a minotaur type monster in a hotel that showed you your worst fears. The metal pepper and salt shakers being alien shouldn't surprise me.

One of them glided past the doorway. It looked in for a moment and continued on its way. The Doctor continued with his explanation, "And totally hostile."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Well, that's not good." The Doctor nodded at my statement.

Churchill didn't look bothered by that at all, "Precisely. They will win me the war." Okay, so if I die or something by one of those things, I know who to blame. He lifted one of the blueprints to show us a poster. It was a poster of a Dalek and it had, 'To Victory!' In big, bold letters.

We left the office and I wasn't exactly sure where we were headed. I'm just following the Doctor because he seems to know what he's doing. The Doctor was still trying to Churchill to listen to his warnings, "Why won't you listen to me? Why did you call me in if you won't listen to me?"

Churchill took his cigar out of his mouth, "When I rang you a month ago, I must admit I had my doubts. The Ironsides seemed too good to be true."

The Doctor nodded, "Yes. Right. So destroy them. Exterminate them."

Churchill went on to completely ignore the Doctor's suggestion, "But imagine what I could do with a hundred. A thousand."

"I am imagining," The Doctor told him. A Dale went past us carrying a dispatch box. It stared at us for a moment. I got a bit of a bad feeling from it. I stared after it as it went down the hall. I suddenly heard, "Amy, Lux, tell him."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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