{5} Faith

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I continued to stare at my sister in shock, "Wha-"

Emma cut me off, "What am I doing here?" I didn't say anything but continued to stare at her. "Oh, come on, Lux. I thought you were a lot smarter than this," Emma put her finger to her chin like she was thinking, "Well, I was always the smarter one." Emma walked toward me and I backed up into the bed.

I fell down to sit on it and stared up at her, "I'm not scared of you." My voice was shaking which was a dead giveaway that I was.

Emma's smirk grew, "Of course, you are. You always were and still are a scaredy-cat. You might not act like it sometimes, but you are. You were always hiding behind me when something 'scary' happened," Emma sighed, "How did I end up with such a stupid sister? You know, I never loved you. I never needed you at all, I only said that I did to make you feel better."

Tears were building up in my eyes, "You don't mean tha-"

"But I do," Emma laughed, "You were always such a burden. I didn't want you around... I never wanted you around. You're the reminder that our parents left us. They kept me for a while and then when you came around, they probably couldn't handle both of us. So then they decided to leave not only you but me as well. You just had to drag me down with you, did you?"

"I didn't mean to." I was crying by now and I wiped the tears from my face. I started hearing a distant voice in my head. It was saying... Praise him... Praise him.  What the hell was happening to me?

I snapped out of my trance when Emma started talking again, "You are the reason that everything bad happened to us," Tears continued to fall down my face and Emma noticed, "Don't tell me that you're crying. I thought you were a Swan! Swans don't cry over a few harsh words. You're no sister of mine." I wiped the tears that were falling down my face.

Then I stopped... This isn't my actual sister. This is just some made-up version of her... Made by this hell we're stuck in. Emma doesn't really think all of this stuff... Does she? No! This is no time to get stuck in my own doubt. I need to have faith in my sister. I need to have faith in myself. I quickly sat up, "You're not real," I wiped the remaining tears away. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." I started hearing the distant voice again and I grabbed my head. I was starting to pound as the voice kept going.

"Just give in already, Lux... Just give up. It shouldn't be too hard." The fake said.

I pushed the voice back, "No! I am going to get out of here." I ran to the door and threw it open. I quickly closed it behind me and leaned my back against it with a sigh. I let go of the doorknob and slid down the door. My knees were pulled to my chest and I laid my head on my knees. I wrapped my arms around my legs and tried to forget what I saw in there. The voice was slowly coming back and I tried my hardest to make it go away. Someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

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