{8} The Maid

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Emma and I were in our new shared apartment with Mary-Margaret, who, thankfully, let us stay here. We were unpacking our belongings which wasn't actually a lot. I looked over to see Mary-Margaret bringing plates of food over to us. "I'm so glad my stuff is here," Emma stated with a sigh of relief. I nodded, agreeing with her, with a smile. Emma noticed the food being handed to her and she took it with a smile, "Oh, thanks." I took my food with a smile as well and ate some of it.

Mary-Margaret looked at our stuff, "So that's all your stuff?"

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"Is the rest in storage?" Mary-Margaret inquired.

I shook my head, "Nope. This," I gestured to the very few boxes and bags. "Is everything we have." Mary-Margaret seemed shocked at this. We didn't exactly plan on coming to Storybrooke so it's not like we could pack up all of our stuff. But we also didn't have much stuff anyway.

"We're not sentimental," Emma told her. I was more sentimental than Emma was, but I just didn't like having to have a lot of stuff to pack around so I just don't get a lot of things. So, basically, I'm just lazy. We also moved a lot so we didn't really feel the need to get loads of stuff. It would just be hard to pack everything for when we had to move again.

Mary-Margaret and nodded, understandingly, "Well, it must make things easier when you have to move." Mary-Margaret set her food down on the table when a knock caught our attention. She looked at the door and walked over to answer it.

Standing there was Mr. Gold as Ruby and Granny called him, "Ms. Blanchard, is Ms. Swan here?"

I walked in view, "Which one?"

"Emma," He told me. I walked back over to my box and started looking through all of the stuff. Emma walked to the door, "Hi, my name is Mr. Gold," I looked over to see the two shaking hands, "We met briefly on your's and your sister's arrival."

Emma nodded, "I remember."

"Good, I have a proposition for you, Ms. Swan. I need your help. I'm looking for someone." Mr. Gold said. This just got a lot more interesting. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to watch.

"Really? Um..." Emma trailed off.

Mr. Gold gave Mary-Margaret a look and she came back to Earth, "You know what? I am going to jump in the bath." The black-haired woman walked away.

I nodded, "Uh, yeah. I'm... gonna be over here." I walked back to my place on the couch. I acted like I wasn't paying attention to their conversation, but I was listening in. When did I not? I was curious as to what direction this would take.

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