Chapter 1

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"Alright, Avengers. You are being tasked with capturing Spiderman and bringing him back to S.H.I.E.L.D." A man dressed in a long black trench coat and black eye patch stated. He looked around the room. Six other people sat in the room.
Tony Stark, a.k.a Iron Man. A genius, billionaire, past-playboy, philanthropist. He sat on his phone, obviously barely listening to what was being said as usual.
Steve Rogers, a.k.a Captain America. He sat upright while looking intently at the director, looking as patriotic as ever.
Thor Odinson, a.k.a. Actually, never mind. All you need to know is that He is a literal god. He sat, wondering who this man of spiders was, while throwing Mjolnir between his hands, while pretending he understood.
Bruce Banner, a.k.a the Hulk. He was an experiment gone wrong and had major anger issues. He sat uncomfortably while playing with his hands, trying to just sink into the chair he sat in.
Clint Barton, a.k.a Hawkeye. He never missed. He was sat messing with his bow and arrows, feet on the table as his interest was peaked at the mention of Spiderman.
And lastly, Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a Black Widow. A spy and a badass woman. She was sat polishing her guns, a blank stare on her face, looking deadly as ever.
Fry sighed. How were these the ones who stopped Loki and Ultron?
"Alright, so who is this guy and where can we find him, Fury?" Hawkeye asked, fiddling with his bow.
"S.H.I.E.L.D is unaware of his identity. Spiderman has been able to allude us, never leaving a trail and whenever we have sent agents after him, they come back reporting how he was able to loose them after 10 minutes."
"Wait wait wait. So, you're telling me that S.H.I.E.L.D, the people who know everything about everyone, couldn't find anything on one, single vigilante? Really, Patchy?"
"Yes, Stark. He is tactful and is a genius. He seems to know how to cover his tracks well and can trick some of my top agents. He has a high tech suit so someone must be supplying him. He is mastermind and must be found should he ever go rogue."
Peter Parker, also known as Spiderman, sat in his appartement, building something that could end all time, something so sinister, it would make even Loki tremble. He stepped back from his work to reveal...

A spider drone.
"There you go, Dronie. Good as new!"
The drone chirped in appreciation before flying back to his suit and placing himself in the centre.
Peter stuck in his earpiece.
"Hey Karen. What's up?" He asked his A.I Karen.
"Nothing much. Just wishing you would finally build me a body."
And there it was. Peter had programmed Karen with emotions, including sass. And concern. At least patrol wasn't lonely with Karen constantly telling him to stop getting shot.
"Karen, I'm working on it. I promise you'll have a body soon. But right now, I need to go on patrol."
Peter loved swinging through New York. The wind whipped in his face and the adrenaline of flying and falling.
He back flipped onto a nearby building and heavily sat down, looking over Queens.
"Hey, Karen. Any crimes going on?"
"Not right now, Peter. I will alert you should something change."
"Thanks Karen."
Peter sat there for 30 minutes, listening to the sounds of the city when his Spidey-Sense started tingling.
He reached a hand behind him and grabbed an arrow that had been flying straight towards him.
He held it in front of his face and saw it held sedative.
Not wanting to find out who it was, he quickly swung off, deciding to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D again to see if they had sent more of their agents after him.
"I MISSED! HOW DID I MISS!? I NEVER MISS!!!" Clint shouted as he walked into the lounge with Natasha.
He stormed into his room. The other four gave Natasha a questioning look.
"We found Spiderman. However, when Clint took his shot, Spiderman caught the arrow without even looking. I think he knew we were there so he swung away and we couldn't keep up." Natasha sighed.
"Wait, how-" Steve was cut off from an incoming call from Fury. Bruce answered it before Tony could
"Avengers, there is a problem in an abandoned warehouse in Manhattan. Proceed with caution, I don't know who is inside." With that, Fury ended the call.
"Alright, gang. Suit up." Said Steve, getting up and going to the elevator, the others following.
When the Avengers arrived, they broke down the door and entered.
When they got inside, there was nothing. It was completely empty with no signs of anyone ever being here with the thick layer of dust that coated everything.
"O-kay. Did Fury do this as a joke or something?" Clint asked, confused as to why they were here.
"Yes, there seems to be no one here. Perhaps Pirate Man was wrong." Thor said. Mjolnir was held tightly in his grip.
"No, that wouldn't make any sense. There must have been some reason." Bruce stated. He came along in case they needed the big guy.
"Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, there's nothing her. So why don't we just go back to the Tower?"
Tony was annoyed. He had been in the middle of working out an algorithm.
"Wait, I hear something." Steve Said, his ears having caught onto a shuffling in the building.
"What is it, Steve?" Natasha asked, gun at the ready.
Just as Steve was about to reply, a vial was dropped from above, the glass shattering on impact. It released a gas and the Avengers started coughing, the gas stinging their eyes. The last thing they heard was a sinister laugh and the thud of their bodies hitting the ground.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't know how often I'll update but I'll try to do it every weekend or so.
Until the next chapter.
Later xxx

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