Chapter 11

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Natasha Romanoff could easily pick up a lie, but even she wasn't sure whether Peter was lying when she asked if he heard her conversation with Fury.
Then again, it would have been incredibly hard to, so she dismissed it. For now.
Upon waking up, she could smell a freshly cooked breakfast, and got up to see Peter making pancakes.
Stark was already eating some with chocolate chips, while Clint was inhaling one of every flavour.
Peter caught her eye and gave an off-smile.
"Morning, again. Breakfast?" He put down a plate of strawberry pancakes, and she stood up and sat herself down.
As she was eating, Cap got up next, followed by Banner and eventually Thor.
For the rest of the day, they just talked and played another movie before Natasha made them all leave, as she had to get her and Steve to S.H.I.E.L.D, not that he knew yet.
When they eventually reached their temporary home, she forced them all into their 'meeting room' which had no surveillance, soundproof and S.H.I.E.L.D proof.
'Never thought I would say this, but thank you Stark.' Natasha thought as she closed the door.
"Alright, so I got a late night visit from Fury." That got their attention.
"Turns out he knowqs about Peter, and he told us to be cautious about him." She was interrupted by Tony.
"C'mon Nat. We all know that Eyepatch has trust issues. He's just being paranoid." Honestly, she had to agree with him.
"Either way, he said if he finds out about us, he will wipe his memories. And Cap, we've got a mission. We need to head out." Steve simply nodded before getting up to pack.
"Hey, what about us?" Clint whined. Natasha rolled her eyes.
"You are going to continue to investigate Spiderman, along with Stark. Banner, you continue to find a cure to fix all of this." She turned to Thor, unsure of what to say. Lucky, he spoke for her.
"I shall return to Asgard. There are some matters that I must handle, but I will return." He grabbed his hammer, making his way to the door.
"So, how you are you going to explain the younger you Point Break?" Thor simply got beamed up.
"That man has no care about decent etiquette."
"Says you Stark." Natasha left before she got a reply. This break had been nice, but she had a mission.
Walking out, she grabbed Roger's and arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D, getting briefed about a hostage situation on one of the boats.
It was going to be a long night.

(Susanna: Does this mean we're finally moving on with the story?
Jane: yeah, does this mean we are now introducing Civil War?
Me: What the-?
Evie: Bet you guys thought we were dead. Well, the author finally decided to include our outer conversations again, so here we are. See ye suckers.
Me: Not again.)
Not to sound mean, but Peter was honestly so happy by the time the others - the Avengers - left.
Slightly freaking out, he ran into his room and slowly slid down the door, gripping his head between his hands. God, he was so stupid.
When the Avengers had disappeared from the public eye, that same week the six appeared at the the school.
He could even see the similarities, and he still couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it.
Scarlett was obviously Natasha Romanoff. God, he'd had a heart-to-heart with the Black Widow. She could probably beat his ass to tomorrow and her stoic nature had easily shone through into her teenage self.
Jeremy was most likely Clint Barton. He had seen him more than once throw random objects into the bin, never missing, and the hair was a dead giveaway now that he knew.
Chris H was Thor, no questions. The way he talked, the way he held himself, the long blonde hair. He'd just thought the guy was from Norway or something!
Mark was definitely Bruce Banner. He was smart but extremely shy, but the others had always joked about how he had a bad temper. Now he knew why. The Hulk literally could have appeared in the middle of his school.
Chris E was probably Steve Rogers. He was always calm and he had been such a mother hen, and disapproved on anything that was bad. He had been in the presence of a war hero.
And finally, Robert. Or should he say Tony. Sure, lots of kids at his school were rich, but not to his extent. He had been talking science and other things with his idol, and somehow hadn't noticed how much of a Tony Stark he was.
It was all there. It was so obvious now that he knew.
And he knew.
If S.H.I.E.L.D found out, if the Avengers found out, he was going to get his memory wiped. He was going to loose his memories, the things that made him.
Not only that, but his friends were after Spiderman. After him. Maybe they were being his friends because they thought he was Spiderman.
But another thing was the fact that as soon as they went back to normal, he would be alone again.
They would go back to their lives as if nothing happened, as if he didn't matter. Which, okay maybe he didn't but he thought they were actually friends.
It didn't matter he hadn't known them for long, the last time he'd had a real friend was when he and Flash were still good friends.
God has abandoned his timeline.
He grabbed his earpiece, and heard the sound of his most trusted ally.
"Good afternoon Peter. Why are you distressed? Your vitals show that-"
"Karen! My friends are the Avengers and I'm going to get my memory wiped if they know I know that they are the Avengers! What am I going to do? I-"
He was cut off by his A.I.
"Peter, please take deep breaths. Tell me, what are five things you can see?"
"Karen, how is this going to-"
"Peter, tell me five things you can see."
"U-um, my desk, my bed, m-my window, y-y-your new form and my phone."
"Now tell me four things you can hear."
"Y-you, a few pigeons, cars, a-and the old lady from down the corridor."
"Good, three things you can feel?"
"The floorboards, my hoodie and vibrations?"
"Two things you can smell?"
"Pancakes, May's perfume."
"One thing you can taste."
"Syrup." Peter sighed, placing his head in between his knees.
"Are you alright now, Peter?"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. With exams (even tho they're now cancelled) and everything else, I've been quite busy and then I was a bit ill for awhile. Sorry for the inconsistent updates, I know it's very annoying for lots of people but I'm trying to get better at it. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Until the next update.
Later xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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