Chapter 5

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Peter led the group to the cafeteria. He talked to Tony and Bruce in front while Steve, Thor, Natasha and Clint hung back.
"I must admit, Midgards schools are quite enjoyable." Thor said, a smile on his face.
"Yeah, just wait till we get homework. You'll be begging to be an adult again." Natasha said, her face blank as she spoke. She may not have gone to high school but she had to infiltrate one to kill a fake teacher when she was still part of the Red Room.
As they made their way into the cafeteria, Peter started to address the group.
"Now where you sit in the cafeteria is crucial, because you got everybody there. You got your freshmen, ROTC guys, preps, JV jocks, Asian nerds, cool Asians, varsity jocks, unfriendly black hotties, girls who eat their feelings, girls who don't eat anything, desperate wannabes, burnouts, sexually active band geeks, the greatest people you will ever meet, and the worst."
The Avengers just stared at him, while he started to stiffle a laugh.
"I'm sorry, guys, but your faces are priceless. How do you not get the reference?"
"What's it from?" Steve asked, for once not being the only one confused.
"Mean Girls. Everyone in our generation has seen it and if you haven't, you need to. That movie is iconic."
When they walked through the doors to the cafeteria, they were instantly hit with loud chattering, shouting, a lot of people and a horrible smell.
"Ugh, what is that God awful smell? It almost smells as bad as Barton." Tony said, wrinkling his nose while Clint glared at him.
"Who's Barton?" The group looked over to the teenager to see a confused face.
"No one special. Just a person from our old school who was really annoying." Natasha supplied, no trace of a lie in her voice.
"Right, well anyway, follow me. Oh, and that God awful smell is the food."
As they got their food, Robert once again wrinkled his nose. In fact, nobody seemed too happy with what was thrown on their trays.
"What is this stuff?" Robert questioned in distaste.
"Nobody knows. The mystery of cafeteria food is harder to solve than the Bermuda Triangle." When Peter looked over the cafeteria, he saw that quite a few tables were free, including his usual place.
"So if you need me, I'm just going to be over there." Peter said, indicating to the end of a table.
"Can't we sit with you?" Chris E. asked, his face holding a warm look. Damn, this guy was polite.
"I mean, Jeremy's annoying and Scarlett is scary but the rest of us aren't that bad." Robert added, receiving a glare from Scarlett and a 'Hey' from Jeremy.
"N-no. I-I mean, yes, y-you can sit with me. It's just, you actually want to sit with me?" He mentally slapped himself for sounding so stupid. Again. 'God help me...' he thought.
"Of coarse! You are quite enjoyable company!" Chris H. spoke, his voice loud.
"Okay, well follow me."
"Wait, will your friends be alright with us intruding?" Chris E. questioned. Peter rubbed the back of his neck. He was going to sound like such a loser after he said this.
"Uh, I don't really talk to anyone else..." Peter mumbled, his face turning a shade of red.
"Well, now you do! Let's go sit down." Jeremy exclaimed.
They all sat down and made conversation. Peter had been quiet for a bit, not used to having anyone to talk to.
Then Scarlett noticed that he had been silent and decided to ask him some questions.
"So Peter, can I ask you a question?" She asked, her gaze fixed on him. The rest of the group quietened, for some reason eager to hear his answer.
"Whose your favourite hero?"
With little hesitation, Peter answered the question.
"Iron Man." As he said it, Robert looked smug, Jeremy looked annoyed, Chris H. looked confused, Scarlett looked impassive, and Mark and Chris E. looked satisfied.
"Why would Man of Iron be your favourite? Surely I-" Scarlett shoved her elbow into his ribcage. "I mean, Thor, is a better choice?"
"Yeah, and what about Hawkeye? He's better than Stark!" Jeremy exclaimed, throwing his hands up.
"Come on, guys. Iron Mans the best hero. What with his looks, money and charming personality, how could he not be your favourite?" Robert said, leaning back in his chair, a smirk present on his face.
"Actually, it's something from when I was younger." They looked at him expectantly.
"Ok, so you know that Stark Expo that happened in 2010?" Everyone nodded, and was it just him? Or did Robert look a little uneasy at that statement?
"Well, I went with my - uh, family, and we were just enjoying our time. Then, those Hammer droids came and started yo attack. I got separated from my family and I couldn't find them. A Hammer droid landed directly in front of me and would have killed me if Iron Man hadn't saved my life. I always looked up to him for his smarts and how he completely changed Stark Industries to help the world." Everyone looked a little stunned and didn't know what to say.
"You were the kid with the Iron Man helmet and gauntlets!" Robert exclaimed, finger pointing directly at Peter.
"Uh, yeah. How did you know?" Peter asked, face scrunched up in an adorable way.
"Oh uh, I was at the expo too? I don't really like to talk about it." Robert said, relaxing back into his chair.
"So, who do you like better? Hawkeye or Black Widow?"
The Avengers were having fun finding out which heroes and Avengers he preffered.
(Me and everyone: Spiderman is the best.
Me: ...
Evie: ...
Jane: ...
Susanna: ...
Everyone else: ...
Me:Did we just agree on something?)
They also got to know more about him. Turns out he really enjoyed science, but they had already guessed from his talks with Bruce and Tony.
He was also really awkward at times and if a question was directed at his home life, he would redirect it.
Natasha was really curious as to who he was. She knew he was hiding something but she wasn't sure what. The name Parker also rung a bell somewhere for both her and Clint but neither were sure why.
While they were talking, they noticed a group of slightly older teens make their way over to them. The one that was at the front was wearing all branded clothes. The other three had muscles and also looked like spoiled rich kids.
They all looked menacing as they made their way over, their eyes trained on Peter.
Peter tensed as he heard that and the Avengers wandered who he was. For the short amount of time they had known Peter, they had gotten to like him a lot and felt a strange sort of protectiveness over him. Especially Clint because he had kids of his own and Steve who hated bullies.
"So why are you sitting with a loser like Parker?"

So sorry for taking a bit to update. Hope you like this chapter. Honestly can't believe I'm still just writing about their first day.

Until the next chapter.
Later xxx

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