Chapter 10

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So, this was a mess.

"Watch it or I'll push you onto the road."

"No, you watch!"

"Um, Izumi can I talk to you for a moment?" Maya asked desperately. "It's um, urgent."

I nodded my head slowly. Tristan and Jayden seemed to be occupied so I and Maya walked ahead. "What is it, Maya?" She looked red and nervous.

"Oh um, it's about Jayden." She twirled her hair around while constantly looking back at the two boys arguing. "I see him bothering you all the time and it looked like you didn't like him around." She looked at the ground having her hands together.

So, she's only talking to me because I'm 'close' to Jayden. Here I thought I was actually going to gain a friend for once. I knew what she was doing, trying to get information about him from me. Needless to say, I didn't really care if she was using me. I do want Jayden to stop annoying me.

"So you want to get closer to Jayden," I said. "Well ok, I'll help you."

"I mean, I didn't say that! I just thought you looked a bit annoyed when he's around and I wanted to help you." She said. "But yeah, I do like him..."

I rolled my eyes. Girls like her annoy me. They need to stop chasing for boys and focus on themselves and their future. I guess a crush is fine, but going after them is just, no. With all due respect, I would rather die than be friends with girls who only pay attention to boys. But in my case, I'm trying to get a boy to stop hanging out with me. I walked back to the two troublemakers who were still threatening each other to get pushed onto the road.

"Jayden," I called out.


"Want to hang out tomorrow?"

"You bet I do!" He smirked at Tristan who was raged with anger.

"Hey what about me?" He shouted. "I asked you out and you agreed."

"You didn't say when." I paused. "I'm not free tomorrow sorry." He gave a dirty look at Jayden. This wasn't going to work out. I walked around trying to think of a solution to solve. I looked over at Maya who was confused as to why I'm doing this. Then suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

"How about we all hang out tomorrow?" Maya looked stunned and so did Tristan and Jayden. "W-what do your faces mean?" I shyly asked.

"I don't mind going," Jayden said. "Will Tristan be there?" I gave him a small nod which made him annoyed. He still intended to go because I was going.

"I am free actually." Maya implied. I told Maya I had a plan and she trusted me to make it work.

"So, where are we meeting up?" Tristan said.

"I'll text you all through message." They all approved and we all walked back in peace.

We chatted along the way, and it was pretty fun. We teased about how Jayden and Tristan would be a cute couple, and how quickly the school term has passed by. We talked about our future, in what we wanted to become. Jayden wanted to be an Architect, which was surprising. Tristan wanted to be a neurologist and Maya still didn't know what to do yet. I've learnt so much about them, their hobbies, their likes and dislikes, it felt weird how little I knew.

We reached a point where we had to go our separate ways. It was sad, but it had to happen eventually. I asked for their numbers and waved goodbye to them. Maya and Tristan walked together while I walked with Jayden. It was quite awkward walking with him at this hour. It kept reminding me about that day when he hugged me.

"Jayden?" I said.


"I can't believe I'm saying this but," I held a pause, "Thank you, for that day."

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