Her Angel and her saviour

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Emma x Emily

Request by DoctorDyer
Emily is my favourite female survivor. She is a good chose when you want to contain the hunter for 180 sec.

My angel. My miracle .'

Emma watched from the distance as Emily running with a piss off face.

"Get back here! I am not done yet."

Emma smiled to herself.

'You are my sun in the winter.
The light in the dark.'

"It's just a needle, Naib !Be a man!"


The mercenary running like there are some kind of monster behind him.

'Oh,my dear Emily.

I promise .

I will take you out of this nightmare. To the victory, so we can live the happy ever after .'

Emma thought as her eyes full with determination.

And Emily finally get her hand on the mercenary, if you know what I mean.

"Don't worry, it would only be a little itchy ~"


-Few days later

'There are still four ciphers need to decode, where on earth is my teammates?'

Emily thought to herself and signed "Men this days."

"Where are you bubbling about ?" Joker asked while holding the balloon around Emily

"None of your business."

As they getting close to the chair a small figure showed up

"Is that..." Emily gasped

'The only one who can break down those rocket chair .'

Emma punched right through the  back of the chair.

'The one that has a strong and brave soul inside her. '

Emma tore apart the rocket with her bare hands.

'My saviour. Emma the gardener !'

Emma gave Emily a thumb up and smiled.
"Fear not my angel. I am here to save you."

"Emma !"

"My angel !"

"Urgh !"

Joker let Emily fell on the ground and point his rocket at Emma

"DIEEEEEE !"and he dash forward.

"Kyaaaaaa !"

-Somewhere else

"Come on William only 30% left !" Naib cheered trying his best to make a perfect calibration.

"Hang in there girls we are coming !"

I am so sorry I took so long to make this update.
I just freak out because one night I suddenly woke up and cough blood. I am not sick ,but this happen in the passed whole week. I kinda lost some sleep and I have a big exam next week. So it means less update again. I am sorry. ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥' )
Anybody watch Aotu World here ?

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