Kiss me (part 2)

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Naib x Fem reader


"They are down there !"

"Find them !"

Naib could heard the shouts getting further.

He let out a sigh of relief before turning to your unconscious body.

His eyes remained worry as he recalled the whole process.

The bone cracking sound made his heart sank.

Although he has not medical knowledge ,he knew your spine probably been broken.

Maybe some ribs broke ,too

"(Y/n) can you heard me ?"he whispered in your ear " Come on. Wake up, buddy. "his hand carefully crossed your cheek brush away the dirt and blood stain.

"Nai...Naib...?"your voice cracked almost unnoticeable

"I'm here. (Y/n) can you move ?"

"I feel like there's an elephant dancing on me."

"Keep talking. I will carry you back to HQ. "he put a hand under your back ,but you hissed at the sudden touch.

He stopped ,eyeing you worriedly "(Y/n) ?"his body shaking "Don't wo-worry I wil-"

"It's okay Naib."your breath become weaker ,but you force a smiled for him.

"I can't make it."you voice remained calm.

"No, You can. It's not that bad, you will go back with me. "he struggled to hold back his tears

"Naib. Can you promise me something ?"then you saw his tears finally rolling down his cheek


"Stop refusing treatment "

"I won't. Please (Y/n)-"

"And live."your version got burred ,everything started to fade in front of you.

Your (e/c) eyes go dull ,but you voice keep on " you."

'Now I have told him. I have no regret .'you closed your eyes with a small smile.

Finally, you let out your last breath.

Naib's jaw slightly opened then closed right after.

Oddly, the first thing came into his mind wasn't crying or screaming your name ,but the words you said since you met.

"Either you go to the medical base with me. Or I will stripping you here and now by myself !"

His hand brushed away the rest of the dirt on your face.

"The name is (Y/n). Nice to know ya boy. "

He laid your body on the ground fingers crossing with yours.

"I have some idea to improve our devices cause you know. The best damage is no damage at all. But I still can't believe they agree."

Feeling your warmth slowly fading away.

"I am a doctor. I will know how to deal with it."

"Liar."he whimpered biting his button lip.

"I wouldn't dare to think how can you live without me. "

"Stay with me. Please..."his sob was getting louder.


"Please...(Y/n)...wake up..."

"I love you."

Finally ,the mercenary broke down in tears.

His shoulder roughly shaking still holding your hand in his own.

He lower his head to facing you.

You looked......peaceful.

"When a girl close her eyes that means she wish you to kiss her."

He closed his eyes sending a kiss on your cold lips.

"I should have done this earlier."the once shining blue orbs were full with sadness "I'm sorry. "

Naib put the (f/c) bouquet on your grave then sat down right next to your headstone.

"It's been a while."he said.

"How are you doing ?"he gazed above the sky "I am doing good. Don't worry. "

"But I still hate needles. "he sighed and smiled "I know I know. I am a childish cry baby."

"But hey !"he turned to face your headstone like it was you in person "Everyone has weakness you know."

"Oh, I almost forgot "he chucked "The little thing you have been working on."

The brown hair boy looking through his bag and put out an object wrapping in paper.

"They were actually quite useful."he set the package next to your head stone.

"They save a pair of them for you. "

Naib stand up brushing away the dust on his pant.

"I will come back another time."

Naib smiled "Oh ! And..."

"I love you."

I am done~~~~
ヽ( ゚∀゚ )ノ !
My liver~~~
It's so fxxking hurt~~~
Daaaammnnnnn_(ˊ:3 」∠)_

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