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I threw my fancy bag at the wall of my bedroom and tore my hair out of it's original flawless style my mom had put it in.

"I hate you, Murad!" I screamed as I jumped on my bed. I felt my heart thump harshly as my chest heaved up and down. I had suppressed my anger and feelings from the party and was now taking them all out.

I was stuck between bursting into tears and tearing the dress i was wearing apart. I slowly started hating Murad and now I was sure there was going back.



After Hanna left things began to irritate me.

I grabbed the gold sprayed large vase that sat on a fat sparkling glass table. It costed my parents too much money and threw it at the glossy porcelain floor.

The loud crash made a couple of maids run out of various spots in the house. They all looked at me like I had lost my mind.

"It was looking too nice in here." I muttered and I could tell they wanted to kill me by the looks they were giving me.

Mona ran out too after and gawked at me. "Murad?" She came a little closer. "Is everything okay?"

Her voice irritated my ever being. It struck the annoyance chord in my core. I only deal with her hurt Hanna. It sure worked but there was no point in playing these petty games. Hanna was going to get married to Ahmed and there was nothing I can do.

I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head. "Please get out."

Mona eyes widened and her face fell. It was a reaction I had seen way too often every time I broke off a relationship.

"Why?' Her voice was low and she looked like she was about to cry. It gave me a sense of high unfortunately.

"Because," I looked up to see all the maids looking and listening to this breakup go down. "I'm no longer interested in this." I pointed between us.

She looked at me as of I was speaking a different language and I was not having it. I sighed and began going up the stairs. I needed to sleep.

"Murad!" She screamed and I stopped to look over my shoulder. "Did I do something?"

I smirked. "No." I felt my lips coil up. This was too much.

That is until mona ran up to me and grabbed on my legs making herself look pathetic. My smile quickly disappeared. "Mona." I gritted but she hung on tighter to my leg.

"Murad we can make this work!" She cried aloud and I frowned. We literally haven't even kissed or held hands. I had no idea what in the world she was talking about.

"No we can't." I shook her off my leg and she finally let go. "Go home."

"Murad! You asshole!" She screamed, her voice vibrating throughout the house.

I cracked a smile. There it was.



Wafa ran up to me. "Did you hear?"

I was sitting in the cafeteria grabbing breakfast. "What?" My voice was still groggy from not getting enough sleep yesterday.

"Murad broke it off with Mona." She whispered excitedly.

I frowned and my mind spun. "He what?"

"Yeah!" She exclaimed.

I looked at her. "Wait why are you excited?" Was she planning to get Murad to like her too?

"I hated Mona so much!" She explained. "Plus-" She was about to continue when she saw Uriel walking towards us she stopped and rolled her eyes. "Please don't come here." She whispered to herself but sure enough Uriel made his way over.

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