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King Duncan knew nothing of military strategy and primarily acted upon whatever whim that pleased him at that given moment. He never fought in any battles but yet considered himself to be an expert! The Minister of War had fought in numerous battles and served under three kings. He was a well respected and decorated veteran. Lord Kavendish's experiences would've given the soldiers the best chance of victory. But his words and insight fell on deaf ears. King Duncan had his own ideas about the up and coming war. The battle plan consisted of a series of ill-advised formations and inadequate supplies for such a large battalion. Lord Kavendish insisted on planning each phase of the war carefully. Including giving the men time to rest whenever possible. "Sometimes a low morale is worse than an arrow in the back!" He would often say to eager young commanders. He often questioned the King's judgement and was promptly paid for his disobedience. King Duncan had Lord Kavendish relieved of his duties! And then replaced him with Viktor Smythe, a young arrogant Duke from the town of Caprecia. This settlement was known for its vast vineyards and famous wines. It is said that the King receives shipments of wine monthly! And in return he allows the noble family of Smythe to do as they choose. The town is overrunning with corruption and one family has always been the head of the snake...... The poor and downtrodden are all over taxed and their food is being rationed. All Farmers who harvested their crops were forced to give the Nobles three-fourths of everything grown! Such blatant greed, runs rampant and virtually unchallenged. A few peasants were beaten senseless and cottages burned to cinders after they questioned an official about food rationing and the steep taxes. Shit floats and one man proved this theory to be true! Ricardo Smythe liked to stack gold coins according to their monetary value on his counting table. As the Treasury Minister of Caprecia all taxes collected were appropriated through him and for him! "Can't You See That I'm Busy!" A young accountant had caught Minister Smythe sitting at his desk counting gold coins in his very own peculiar way! One hand was stacking coins and the other hid under his robe! "Sorry for Disturbing Sir!" Nervously the letter was handed to Ricardo, with the king's seal on it. "You have such soft hands." A smile slimier than an eel graced the Minister's face as his words crawled from under a rock....... He grabbed the letter but not before deviant fingers gently caressed the unaware hand of the innocent underling. The startled worker jerked the molested hand away and bolted from his desk! "Just Remember the Hand That Pays You!" Bellowed Ricardo Smythe as he chuckled and shook violently from laughter! Eagerly the letter was torn open and then read cautiously as if to decipher each word meaning. The ship of fate had changed its course! And a smile no longer irradiated from the coin counters face!

THE ENDINGWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu