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In a dark cold room below the castle some bothersome chains rattle and clang together. Some sore and dried-blood encrusted wrist, have been struggling in vain for quite some time. A large rat scurries across exposed feet! But she has built a tolerance to this harsh environment and all of its characteristics. Her body is broken but the spirit trudges on, through a mental muck of insanity's breaking point! Why did this happen? The man that promised to love her forever is no longer that man! Something evil has consumed his soul! She remembers a servant bringing her some wine and with one sip.........the sleepiness became overbearing! I remember being awake but no matter how much I struggled, moving was impossible! My eyelids may have been weighted down by coins! The sound of mourners filled my ears with sorrow! Was I to be buried alive! The thought of being buried alive, bullied any prior fears I had away! Every breath felt like an eternity between each heartbeat! I was given a sleeping potion of some kind. One so powerful it could mimic death itself! A staged death and a staged burial ceremony to complete this madness! All of her days blurred together, and time had no bearing here. No window to discern day from night only candles or a lit torch provided light. A guard removed the chains twice a day and sometimes once. He only said that his orders were to keep me alive. No other words left his mouth no matter how much I begged to be released. The King killed without discretion now and any challenge to his authority proved to be deadly! At that moment a key was inserted into the large padlock. With a loud clicking sound it opened and allowed the latch to be moved! A new guard entered but he had company with him. "Good morning your majesty!" I was instructed by the king to treat your wounds and to bathe you. But I won't be doing those things, so I brought mother Agnes. She will tend to you. I bid you leave your highness...... And the guard stepped out and closed the door behind him. Mother Agnes was carrying a basin with some hot water and bath oils. "Such a shame!" My sweet Queen you must listen carefully to my words...... She spoke very softly as she proceeded to wipe away the filth from Viola's face..... King Duncan has been possessed by a great evil! And it's hold on him grows stronger with each passing day! Something is trying to gain entrance into our world and King Duncan shall become its vessel! A great sacrifice is needed for it to fully materialize into our existence.  A chamber maid had heard demonic voices coming from the King's chambers last night! I am sworn to secrecy, but I will help you in any way possible. If I am found out, my death will be swift! "I believe that you are to be sacrificed!" It seems that he is waiting for something.... perhaps a sign. You never bore any children and that seems very odd for a healthy young lady. Every woman in your entire bloodline birthed children! I suspected a special potion was given to you unknowingly! That prevented you from becoming pregnant! As the old woman talked Queen Viola listened to every word! And it all made sense now! She had been picked and groomed for this special occasion...... The tears began fill the wells of Viola's eyes! "No need for crying." You must be strong! Agnes whispered into unbelieving ears. A woman who has never bore children would be similar to being a virgin! The souls of her unborn would be consumed by power hungry deities. He needed your child bearing seal unbroken! The heavy door began to creak as the guard strained to open it. "Are You Finished!" Agnes cautiously whispered, I will return tonight with a plan! "I am finished!" She immediately replied!  

THE ENDINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang