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King Duncan stared over at the two chamber maids still asleep in his bed. Their legs and arms were so intertwined with one another he couldn't fathom where one body began or ended! A foot protruding from underneath silken sheets cradled the crown! He laughed as he gently removed it and placed it upon his head. "They deserve a good rest after last night's activities!" The power of wine grew with its consumption. It magnified whatever personality disorders that pre-existed within a person to an extent. And this King embodied all manner of lechery! He was very willing to share the wealth when it involved young maidens. A crystal goblet containing some residual wine was quickly turned towards the King's open and thirsty mouth. Aye! "The pitcher is bone-dry also! While muttering foul words to himself a night shirt quickly became a cover for his lower extremities. Leather slippers strewn with ruby accents were slipped onto chilled feet. The castle embodied a cool dampness during the late fall. "It seems that I need to pay a visit to the cellar." Why must I do everything? The King walked slowly through the great hall and startled two sleeping guards. "ASLEEP ON THE WATCH ARE WE!" Do you wish to visit the gallows! Nervously the guards stood at attention with their swords at the ready! "Sire Please Have Mercy!" The guards explained to the king that they utterly hadn't slept in two whole days. "That is none of my concern and furthermore who is the officer on duty!" Captain Parson! Hmm..... King Duncan wondered why that name Parson sounded all too familiar. The two guards belted that name out of their mouths almost in unison. "This will be dealt with in the morning!" I need one of you to fetch me a cask of wine from the cellar! And bring it to my chambers immediately! The younger guard volunteered to go. The wine cellar was located on the far side of the dungeon. The cries of the tortured couldn't be heard by anyone on the above floors but that all changed the moment that thick wooden door was opened. A collection of voices, slowly simmered together by various means of painful vices became a stew that no human ears could stomach! And prisoners often had no choice but to defecate in their cells. "This stench is unbearable!" Quickly he made his way past several prison cells by not looking inside to view its guests. After finally retrieving a cask of wine the curious guard notices another wooden door behind some unfilled casks. Slowly the heaving cask was placed on the squalid cobblestone floor. Cautiously he walks towards the door. A colossal lock made any attempt to open the door unthinkable. The guard noticed a small peep hole at the doors center. He mustered up the courage to peer inside.......Instinctively one eye was closed to let the other focus. A soiled white gown laid partially on some straw bedding and the other part still clung to what appeared to be the silhouette of a woman shackled with chains....... "HEY WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG!" The senior guard yelled at his junior. The alarmed guard quickly countered with. "Oh, I'm sorry I just was looking for more wine...." "Well come on with it!" As he struggled to carry the cask, he turned around for the last time and just wondered who could she?               


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