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At the local tavern "THE BOAR'S DEN a man sits alone clasping strongly to a wooden tankard. A hooded cloak conceals his identity from all the other patrons. He sits deep in thought and oblivious to his surroundings.... until a group of drunkards began talking loudly. "I Say Fuck the King!" That knob polisher couldn't command his way out of an open barn! Just think about it! Death follows him everywhere! First it was Queen Viola who just literally dropped dead! Sweet Viola deserved better! And what about Sargent Major Parson! Such a shame, a good man indeed.... Many good soldiers died because of King Duncan's incompetence. "Who in their ever-loving mind orders their men to remove their bloody chain-mail! That shits purposely worn under yer plate armor! That chain-mail could've stopped most of those arrows! Those woodland skirmishers are so skilled with the longbow I'm think'n they probably sleep with them! Aye! But what about the splinters stuck in their sausages! Some very hysterical laughter ensues! And then suddenly stops. A serious tone sets in....... "I wonder how Captain Ethan Parson feels?" Edward was his brother and I don't reckon that even 10 years could heal a wound like that....... At that moment the cloaked stranger gets up and makes his way towards the door. He sees a certain Bar maid. And walks over and places several gold coins in her hand while holding it firmly. She looks at him sadly and whispers thank you. He nods before leaving.... Ethan then makes his way down the cobbled streets as thoughts of rage burn against the wintry night. He felt Katherine's pain and plans to watch over her. A voice calls forth from the shadows. "Captain Parson!" "Captain Parson!" Who calls me? At that moment a young guard steps into the moonlight. "The king wishes to speak with you!" He wanted to see you yesterday, but you were nowhere to be found. Perhaps I wanted to be lost! The nervous young guard laughs carefully as If seeking approval. "I will see him first thing in the morning!" The hour is late, and king is more than likely indisposed from wine poisoning. Is there anything else? "Well Sir I was asked by the king to fetch a wine cask from the cellar." What was the issue with that? Nothing Sir, but I saw a woman chained up in a locked room! Ethan laughs aloud! Of course, you saw prisoners locked away in the castle dungeons! But Sir, this room was hidden behind some wine casks at the far end of the dungeon.... far away from the other rooms. And a very large lock secured the door. I peered through a peep-hole and saw a woman wearing a regal gown. It was very filthy none the less but nothing a common prisoner would wear! Ethan looked the guard in his eyes rather gravely! And asks, have you told anyone else about this? "No Sir!" Ethan the relaxes his hands and says. "I want to thank you for saving me the trouble!" What trouble Sir? "The trouble of having to kill anyone else!" With lightening like reflexes, one hand is placed over the guard's mouth while the other slits his throat! The warm crimson sprays everywhere! His body is then dragged away with it's legs still kicking and twitching! Ethan places the warm corpse in a nearby hay cart. And then loosely covers it with.......

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