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The coldness of the night had placed a frozen glaze over everything. Smoke and the smell of burnt oak wood filled the morning air. The haze was thick about the castle. Rather large chimneys provided heat to each wing. Aarkaneus sat in his favorite chair and peered through a partially frosted window. His eyes and thoughts were on the castle. King Duncan had failed to heed his warnings, and this angered him greatly! But more importantly he worried about the people. They were about to become victims of something tragic! An old dusty book began to levitate, from a very tall shelf and gravitate towards Aarkaneus. He reached out and grabbed it. This book should provide some insight into what to expect next. While thumbing through countless pages one of them stopped his progression! A heavy frown suddenly materialized on a usually emotional face! "The Can Not Be!" I need to a pay visit to my colleagues at once! He grabbed a thick overcoat that was draped over a chair. Instinctively before leaving, several large pieces of dried cherry wood were thrown into an already blazing fire. His fireplace exceeded the heating capacity of such a small cottage. But he liked it extra toasty inside! Aarkaneus didn't know when he might return and didn't want to be greeted by a frozen ice-chest when returning. A jewel encrusted cane, of glossy-black ebony wood assisted him with each step. Even though it wasn't needed! That fancy walking stick had a far more sinister purpose! It actually was a magic staff that channeled ethereal and chaotic energies! With a mere thought it morphed into its true form. Aarkaneus could barely control these forces and had to keep all of his emotions at bay while channeling. Being angered increased these destructive forces! He had studied Destruction magic and didn't like it! Because it only had one purpose and that was death! Each branch of magic had its intended uses he supposed, but Healing and Creation interested him most of all! Aarkaneus closed and locked the door behind him. But turned and mumbled a few words while wavy his hands over the door knob. "Quod Non Aperire!" That should be sufficient! But he also remembered giving Amina the key and a amulet that negated this spell. It allowed her in into his home whenever she wanted entry. He had thoughts of teaching her magic. The walk to the nearby town was short lived, as an offered wagon ride was accepted from a passing merchant. Upon arrival he noticed a large commotion! With people shouting and guards threatening to pummel any bystanders! "The Found A Body!" Someone shouted! Aarkaneus gave the merchant a gold coin and walked towards the confusion. A guard recognized him and cleared a way. Aye! "The Wise One!" A young guard was killed late last night, and his body was found in this cart by its owner a little while ago. Do you mind if I examine the body? Go ahead good Sir the guard responded. Aarkaneus noticed the deep cut splitting the neck open. It required a considerable amount of strength to perform such an act! A highly trained soldier or a skilled assassin could have done this blindfolded! Aarkaneus knew with just a hand placed over the corpse, he could see the last memories of the deceased. But he hesitated...... The deity of lost memories was a very mischievous female demon who loved to torture him. But her methods weren't of the painful variety! She would grant him, her powers in exchange for volunteering his body! The last time he needed her assistance she tied him up at the stake. And proceeded to tickle his bare feet for what seemed to be an eternity! And used what had to be the softest feather known to man! He had laughed so much tears began streaming down! He begged and pleaded but she only laughed more as his warm urine ran down to his feet! Sore abdominal muscles plagued him for almost two whole weeks after that incident involving "SUSIRA!" "Oh, The Hell with it!" as he waved his hand over the cold corpse!

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