•Handcuffs and Family Affairs•

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Here I am.
I kinda knew this day would come, but I just imagined it a bit different.
Probably without these handcuffs on me.

Nah, to be honest: it was actually obvious i'll get those one day.

"Miss Adams?" , I heard a male voice, not so far away. A middle-aged policeman showed up.
"You can go home now.", The kinda nice looking policeman stepped closer, so he was finally able to take my Handcuffs off.

didn't need them Anyways. They wouldn't stop me from just run out of this if I wanted to.

"I guess you and this mister here have a lot to talk about."
He sat in front of me to put those things off and I could see someone right  behind him. My Brother Kendrick, who, by the way, didn't look kinda nice at the moment. In other words: he seemed angry.

Goodbye beautiful world, I used to love you really much!
Kendrick denied any eye contact which turned out to be pretty good because I'm totally sure his look would kill me. I mean if looks can kill. Sometimes they do, trust me.
"Thank you," I mumbled as the police officer finally took the handcuffs completely off.
The officer just smiled at me and nodded sadly. Then he let out a deep breath as if he was disappointed by me. Excuse me you don't even know me, Mister. I mean Obvi.
„I'm sorry.", he said and weirdly smiled/ not smiled at Kendrick and tapped his shoulder before he left.
He and Kendrick had spent a pretty long time now talking about what I've done. They must've become bros or anything.
Kendrick did nothing. Oh hell, he was mad.

I slowly stood up and cleaned my throat. I tried to look at him but he was directly looking at the wall, running his finger through his light brown hair.
„What do we gonna eat today?", I smiled, trying to make the situation a little bit more comfortable for both of us.

Kendrick was my older brother. I might have already said this.
My mother died when I was 7 and since then, a lot of things changed.
We once lived in California. Me, Her, my Dad and Kendrick.  But after she was gone, there was only me, Kendrick and my dad. He decided to move to Canada with us. God knows why.

Let's just say, some extremely fucked up shit happened and Kendrick became everything I had. As soon as he turned eighteen we moved into a little apartment, and he took me with him. He got me out of this hell we used to live in.  I guess he always had to be like my dad, my brother, and my Mother at once. And I couldn't thank him more. But I guess all things have their end, right?

And so I met the west side. Chase, the main Leader got me into it. Now, since I am 14 to make it clear, they are my family.

First, we were a small group, but we became more and I got older. Now we are a real Gang in Vancouver. Number 1 of this city. Our only Enemy Gang was the Southside. The Boys sometimes made Street fights to get some money but this wasn't really the main Business.

The Southside is trying to get our place. To become Number 1.

But still, our gang is number one! And I became the second Leader of it. Leader number 1 was obviously Chase.
Now I'm seventeen and actually never really spend time at home.

Today we had another Gag. The Plan was simple, so Said Chase. I knew it would go wrong. The deal with the south side was totally dumb. If it was made by me, I would've made it way safer. But Chase doesn't really think a lot when it comes to the South Side.

Whoever steals the Money The Northside (please just don't ask me why they are so uncreative and call their Gang after sides. I mean you could simply say „the Unfightable ones" aka the Northside or „the Idiots." aka us at the moment) got in their last fight wins. Dumb I know. Anyways we did it and guess who got caught? Right only Me.

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