•Horns like the devil•

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I followed Hazel inside a way too overcrowded room, full of teenagers who already drank too much.
Girls danced on laps of guys who didn't seem to be mad about it while 'Talk dirty' blasted through the whole Neighborhood.

High school parties.

The well known smell of alcohol reached my nostrils. I wasn't able to see even one person who hadn't had a red cup in their hands.

The house was big, but I wasn't able to see anything but teenagers moving their body to the music, totally drunk. Mostly because they were totally drunk.

Some played Beer pong while others spend their time smoking on the couch in the living room.
I almost felt bad for the person who had to clean up this mess after.
Rule number 1: never throw a Houseparty if you can go to one.

I've seen some of hem before in school, while others were total strangers to me. I can't even tell on how many parties I've been. And I forgot how much I hated and loved it at the same time.

"See, this is gonna be fun!", Hazel screamed over the music. Antony didn't pick us up like he wanted to, but we wanted to meet here. What they didn't know is, that I wouldn't stay long.

We got here only seconds ago, and Hazel already seemed to talk to more people than I can coun't. I nodded as an Answer and looked over to some boys that already passed out on the floor. Hazel walked through the crowd like it was nothing, even tho I was sure she didn't hang with the Type of people that smoked on the Couch.

I rolled my eyes as a Guy winked at us, Hazel didn't even seem to notice. She made a big bun out of her now grey hair, which did exactly fit her grey dress. It was tight, but not slutty. Hazel wanted to do my make-up, but I insisted on doing it on my own. I didn't excatly have party clothes in my suitcase, that's why I insisted on just wearing my dark jeans and my dark top again. I curled my hair a little bit as an alibi and wore my also black sweatshirt jacket, which I had to use later.

"You'll love Stacey and Trish! Oh, and Henry ofcourse!", she screamed totally excited and continued walking through the overcrowded room. I just nodded again and checked the time on a clock that hung in the living room, but I'm sure it'll won't survive the Night.

We almost had 10. Almost the perfect time for what I was planning. "You know what, where is the bathroom?", I asked as loud as I could for Hazel to hear me. "huh?"

"I gotta pee!", I screamed and she seemed to understand. "Now? I wanted to-"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Just follow me I-" I cut her off. "No, it's okay I'll find it. Go and surch for Henry and the others!" She nodded, sightly not really sure if she should let me go alone. I gave her a warm smile, to let her believe that It'll be okay and she nodded again. "Okay! I'll be in the kitchen if you search for me!", she said and I smiled a last time. Soon I lost her in the crowd.

This will be a long stay on the Toilet.

I waited till she was totally out of sight, till I made a turn and walked towards the big door again. I haven't had much time.

I made my way through the crowd, and even tho I have never been here, I somehow already knew where to go to leave this castle of a house again. All I had to do was to follow that little bit of fresh Air that barely existed in this sweaty place.

I looked around to make sure nobody I knew would see me. Suddenly something hard hit me- or should I say someone. "Hey!" I hissed and the guy that towered over me started to smile. "Hey.", He slurred and looked me up and down, then fixing his eyes on my upper body. He smelled like alcohol. A lot of Alcohol.

"How come I haven't seen you before, beauty." His blonde hair was a full mess. "I don't care how, I'm glad you haven't", I said disgustedly at the way he looked at me. "Ouch. There's a whole in your heart ma'am." He smirked and pointed at my chest. "Right here."

"You know what? There is." I pushed his hand away and glanced at him. "And if you won't go away , you'll have one in your head." "Wow, she's bad. A Heart out of stone. I'm scared." He got closer. "How can your eyes be so cold, baby." He slurred again and I gave him what he wanted. "Because I'm a sad, little girl, that needs to be saved." I pushed my under lip a little and he started to smile. "Is that so?"

I smiled and pulled him a little closer, so he turned us around and looked at me with dark eyes.

"No." I winked at him and continued walking, leaving him behind me. "You got Horns like the devil, sweetie!", He screamed after me and I couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Thank you!", I answered and continued walking.

I almost reached the door, when Hazel stood in the way. "shit.", I mumbled and tried to hide by just standing infront of a Guy that for sure was a football player, according to his jacket. Hazel didn't see me, but she wasn't far away. "Hey.", He said and smiled at me. "Yeah, we had that, just shut up.", I said and he stopped talking.

Hazel laughed at something a girl with long brown hair said and scanned the crowd. Luckily she didn't seem to notice me and looked away again.

I stepped a little closer, still making sure that she wouldn't see me, so I could hear what they were talking about. "It's a miracle Blake isn't here yet!", the brunette said and Hazel rolled her eyes amused. "he attends every Party." The girl next to Hazel made a sad face and Hazel sigh. "Well, I'm glad he isn't." I don't know who they were talking about, but they needed to leave.

The brunette said something and pointed in a direction, Hazel nodded and followed her as they left in another room, probably to celebrate life. I don't think Hazel is the kind of girl that gets drunk really fast, but I for sure wouldn't be mad about it, so she maybe would forget about me for a while.

I decided to wait for a second to be sure that Hazel wouldn't come back anytime soon and then left in a hurry. The cold air hit my face as I finally stepped out into the dark night. There were just a few couples making out infront of the house and a few drunk bodies. I couldn't hide a small smirk on my face as I walked my way to the dark street. Just a few lights were illuminating the road. Perfect.

I crossed the street and went around the corner to make sure that no one saw what I was planning to do. The well-known feeling of adrenaline slowly sneaked it's way through my body and I took a deep breath to enjoy the moment. Summer Adams is back, baby.

I closed the zip of my jacket and put on the hood before typing the adress in google maps.

It only took a few second for my phone to find the fastest way and for the second time today I couldn't hold back a grin. I looked up to the sky and whispered: "I got this!"

The police station was only 10 minutes away.

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