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The Youngling
What just happened
Clouded aquamarine eyes snap open at the same time as clear sapphire eyes. Both Jedi wake up. They both wonder if that was a vision or a dream. Either way that's the only two things Kanan can actually see now.
"Ezra, how long have you been my Padawan?" Kanan asked. It had become a frequent question now that Kanan was blind.
"A year." Ezra answers. It seemed like two or three years at this point to him.
"It was just a dream then." Kanan says with a hint of both sadness and relief.
"This time. It felt like a vision though." Ezra said.
"Ezra were you in my mind?" Kanan asked.
"No, were you in mine?" The boy responded. Kanan shook his head.
"What did you dream about?" Kanan asked his Padawan.
"A different path We could have lived." The Padawan answered. "And you master?"
"The same." He replied.
"Kanan do you ever get the feeling the force is saying 'I told you so'?" Ezra ask.
"All the time kid. All the time." Kanan says.
"Do you have it now?" The boy ask.
"Yeah it sounds like Hera saying we should have taken the first mission to Lothal instead of that third choice to Rodia. I'm actually starting to wish we would have." Kanan says.
Kanan went to grab a strand of Ezra's hair where he remembered it hanging. His fingers found nothing but air. Ezra took Kanan's wrist.
"It's not there." Ezra said.
"You cut it?!?" Kanan said in shock. He felt the top of Ezra's head. His hair was too short to braid even a small strand. Kanan was slightly disappointed by this. He wanted to braid his Padawan's hair to remind Ezra as well of himself of just who they really were. To remind himself he was a master and Ezra was his Padawan. That still hadn't changed, but Ezra hair was almost completely gone.
"Yes, Sabine and Hera helped me style it. I wanted a  more mature look. Plus it gets pretty hot here during the day & my hair was getting in the way." Ezra explained. "Why?"
"Oh nothing. I just always thought it was your signature look." Kanan said. He could tell him what he really wanted to do. At least they still had their bond.
"Only because of ease." Ezra replied. "I wish you could see it."
"I do too." Kanan says. "I really do."
He knew they had both shared the same force induced dream. A dream that showed them both what would have or wouldn't have changed if they had been together longer. He had seen things that he couldn't possibly have known. Things from Ezra's point of view that had never been brought up before. The same went for what Ezra had seen in his point of view.
The dream had been so vivid that it was almost like memories. Parts were even mixed with memories. If he didn't know better he would have sworn it was real.
The dream had thought Kanan a lesson though. Some things can't be prevented.  Ezra touching the dark side and Maul blinding him were just a few of those things.
"How about I fix you something for breakfast?" Kanan asked.
"Or I could make you something." Ezra offered.
"Kid let your master cook. Besides even blind I can still cook better than you my young Padawan." Kanan laughed. "Besides, I think we need to talk about a few things."
"Yes Master." Kanan smiled at hearing Ezra say that.
"Good I can show you what a master cook looks like." The Jedi teased.
"I thought you were cooking, not Hera?" The Padawan remarked.
"Just for that this is going to double as Jedi training, and I'll make you cook for the others when I'm done. It better taste the same too." Kanan said.
• Well that's it guys. At least for now. By the way I finished this on 8/23/16
• So what you all think?
•.     I always planned on ending it like this. I just had more planned. However I kinda hit writers block and then life got in the way. I'm sorry guys that I ended it like this
• May the force be with you always
• Cass

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