Chapter 23

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Charlie's POV

After what seems like an endless drive with the devil, the car finally stops in front of the airport. I jumped out from the back seat and waited for Taylor to follow. The whole ride here, I tried my best to ignore him, but he insisted on talking my ear off. I zoned him out and thought of Matt, where he is right now. It's hard to be away from him, after I have been attached to his side for so long. I brush my feelings aside and retrieve my bags from the trunk. Once Taylor has his bags in hand, I follow him into the airport. I have no idea what flight we will be leaving on, or where Taylor's apartment is even located, but I know the flight will be leaving soon. After we go through security and everything is done, I find a seat where our flight will be taking off. Taylor soon sits next to me, and I feel his gaze burning into my side. "Where are we going to? Where is your apartment, I mean." I look at him before he can take his eyes off of me. "I live in Princeton, Indiana. It's where I grew up so I decided to get an apartment near my family." It's nice to dig into Taylor's past. I get to see the nicer side of him when he speaks of his family. "Oh, that's cool. I've never been to Indiana. I've lived in Florida my whole life." I said while my mind flashes back to childhood memories. I try to ignore them and look around the airport. I find the schedule of the flights flashing on a large screen, and wait until Indiana pops up. Within the next minute, I see Florida to Indiana flight scheduled for 6:00pm. My eyes grow wide, realizing we are here with several hours until our flight takes off. I turn to Taylor and slap his arm with just enough power to make him look at me. "You said our flight was soon! We have 4 hours until it leaves, we could have stayed at the hotel longer with Matt." Knowing I could have had extra time with Matt before leaving kills me inside. Taylor rolls his eyes and looks back down at his phone, where I see his music playing. I slap his arm harder, making it hurt this time. "Ow! What do you want Charlie?" I give him a mean glare for being so rude, and open my mouth to talk. "Why did you make us leave so early. You knew we had plenty of time to catch our flight." He continues to look down at his phone so I assume he isn't going to answer, but then he looks up at me, avoiding eye contact. "I couldn't stand seeing you with Matt. You guys were hugging and kissing and holding hands. You were saying I love you and I miss you and it was hurting me. I shouldn't even be admitting this to you, I must sound like a girl." He smirks slightly and then lets go of it like it was never even on his face. "You don't seem like a girl to me. At least you are being honest, I like that. You could have pulled me aside and told me you weren't comfortable with me doing that in front of you. I would've stopped." I know that I most likely wouldn't have stopped being lovey with Matt, but it seemed like the right thing to say to Taylor. "No you wouldn't have. And besides, you guys are a couple and I have to respect that. I'm going to be seeing it every time he comes to visit you." He almost seems depressed letting the words slip out of his mouth, which makes me sad. I don't want to put him through the pain that he put me through, even though I should. "I promise I won't be all lovey with Matt in front of you. I know how it feels to watch someone you love love someone else. Okay?" I was somewhat referring to him. If he noticed, he didn't act like it. He just whispered okay and went back to his phone. I decided to take mine out as well and look through instagram. I was tagged in 5 different pictures within the last few minutes, so I clicked on them. The first was a picture of me and Taylor in the seats we are in now. The caption said "I ship them so hard(;" which made me laugh, even though I totally disagree. The next few photos were nearly the same, all of me and Taylor at the airport. They had differing captions. A few said they liked us together better than Matt and I, and the others said some things along the line of "Isn't she with Matt?" The thoughts of Matt were coming back so I decided to close instagram. Instead, I opened twitter and sent out a tweet. "Hey guys! I'm so bored at the airport. Help!!" I post it and watch my notifications fill up. It's crazy, in the last few months I have gained over 200,000 followers just by being with the boys. All my tweets get thousands of retweets and favorites, even if they are stupid. I scroll through my feed to see all the recent tweets, but none seem to catch my attention. I close the app and take out my head phones. Once they are plugged into my phone, I start playing Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer. It is my favorite song as of right now, and the band is really talented. They aren't extremely famous yet, but I know they will get there. I let my eyes shut and my head automatically leans back. If I have to sit here for a few hours, at least I can drift off. The last thing I remember is the song changing to 18 by 5sos, before I fall asleep.

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