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Le gasp! I'm so sorry for not having the meeting yesterday when I said I was! I kinda sorta got sick last minute.

It wasn't like a small cold. I was literally vomiting and crying at the same time. Not only that! But I also got bad diarrhea and a bloody nose in the midst of vomiting. NOT FUN!

I was feeling super awful yesterday and currently feel like crap.

But here is our meeting and I didn't want to delay it any longer.

So Halloween is literally next week guys 👻👻👻👻

I am super excited and hope you guys are too!

Here's my question.....What are your costumes?

If you celebrate Halloween, what are you gonna dress up as?

If you don't, and I totally respect that, than what's your favorite horror movie?

Or if you don't like scary, totally respect that too, what's your favorite character?

Can be anything from superhero's to cartoons like Adventure Time or My Little Pony. I don't judge.

Or if you're weird like mua you can answer all the questions and even make your own for me to answer on Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

I'm down for anything guys.

Love you all and remember, If you see something surprising say Le gasp.



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