Today Was Hard

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So how is everyone doing?

Welp I hope everyone is well and is having a spectacular time and that your day was cool!

Mine was very intense. Very intense.


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I can't say it was bad, but I can't say it was exactly good either. :/

A lot of crazy stuff happened.

Lemme start from the beginning though and explain everything.

*takes deep breathe* *exhales*

So there's this really nice guy at my school who's on wrestling and he would always give me hugs and say hi. I don't want to say his real name so let's use his nickname and call him Bolt.

I'm not sure how, but he got ahold of my Instagram account and requested to follow me (cause my account is private). I looked at the profile and saw that it was him and was excited. He's super nice and I didn't think much of it.

I messaged him after accepting the request and we talked for a little bit. This is where it goes downhill.

He started talking about how he doesn't have any shame and I jokingly replied that I hardly have any either. Than he asked to okay a game called questions.

It's basically where you ask each other questions and answer truthfully.

I started it off by asking simple little questions like "what's your favorite food?" "What color do you like the most?" and things like that. He took the opportunity to ask......personal questions.

He would ask me weird things like "do you masturbate?" "Are you still a virgin?" "Would you let me mess around with you?" "What's your favorite porn?"

I didn't know what to say to any of these questions.

This guy was completely different compared to real life. At school he super sweet, but in messaging he's a completely different person.

I was super uncomfortable but I didn't want to seem like a wet blanket who doesn't know how to have fun so I answered them truthfully.

I asked if he could refrain from asking those kinds of questions but he still pressed on with them. I was beyond uncomfortable and lost my shit when he asked if he could ever get a nude of me.

I said  no and that I didn't like this game anymore. I kind of just ignored and went to do my chores.

He texted me again and asked if he could get a picture of my thigh when I was done with the dishes and I was mad. I asked him to stop and he kept pressing on with it. It was aggravating but at the same time scary.


He wasn't being aggressive or anything, it was just, these were the kind of people that I was told about when I was kid.

He was asking me for something that I was told to never do and I got kinda anxious and scared. I ignored him after what he did last night.

I walked past him today and all I felt was anxiety. He's a nice guy! Don't get me wrong, I think I was just overreacting over nothing. I was scared to talk to him though. I'm not sure why, I'm not scared of him, I guess I'm just scared of what he'll think of me. Of what he'll say to my reaction.

After that whole ordeal of last night, my mind was clouded with the thoughts of it my whole school day. Today I just kept getting distracted and I kept thinking about last night.

I was so distracted but when I went to the wrestling room at the end of the day all my worries melted away.

All I needed to do was focus on practice and I gradually forgot about the day before and focused. It felt exhilarating.

Like my body was high on adrenaline throughout the whole practice.

The only bad part about it was probably the person I was wrestling with. She's not keen on being gentle when wrestling.

I mean who is, it's wrestling! Lol.

I worded that wrong. Hahaha. What I mean is that she doesn't wrestle to win....she wrestles to hurt people.

She was really angry yesterday and ended up "accidentally" punching me in the face 7 times..........


She apologized after every time but it still fucking hurt. Especially since they were all hard and in the general same area of my face. I'm just glad she didn't give me a black eye.

She did give me a whole ton of bruises though. But, that comes with the sport so I can't bitch too much 😝

After venting about all that happened, I feel so much better now. Like I feel way lighter, like a weights been lifted off my chest.

Thanks for listening to my issues guys lol.

I know this book was originally a club about Le Gasp, but it feels more like a family.

I don't consider this club anymore. You guys all mean so much to me. It warms my heart every time I see you guys vote and comment.

You guys are just amazing. Thank you all so much.

You guys are the reason I've kept my sanity for this long. 😝😝😝

Bottom line is. I love all of you. Thanks for reading my silly little book and I hope you all have a great day or night! Wherever you are I hope you're enjoying yourself.

Till next time. Bye!


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