Q and A

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Here are my answers to your questions.

Questions by Valerielizzygamer

1. What's your age?

I am 14 years old.

2. What's your grade?

I'm in 9th grade of high school.

3. Sexuality?

I'm pansexual. (Incase you guys don't know) So pansexual is when I don't care what the gender is. In terms of relationship, I'm not limited to your gender choice, biological sex, or gender identity. I feel like it means I don't care what you are, I will love you with all my heart, whether you identify as gay or even as a darn rock lol.

Questions by Raksu10

Your favorite subject? (School)

I know I'm a weirdo for this but it's actually Math. Math has been my favorite subject since I was little in elementary school. I always liked finding the answer and getting the satisfaction of it after I had to do like 30 steps to get it.

You like ice cream?

That's an understatement.....I LOVE ICE CREAM. Its my favorite treat to eat on a hot day. It's the best thing ever.

Any Christmas plans?

Not necessarily. My dad is going to have a Christmas party this weekend actually and I get to invite two friends. Although I'm gonna try and ask if I can do three.

Extra info:

Gender: female
Name: Bella

I'm in a female wrestling program and my team is the top in the state of California.

We have a reputation for being mean. 😈😈😈

If you guys have anymore questions feel free to ask. I really don't mind and I always live curious minds.

Anyway. Hope to talk to y'all soon.


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