:3 (The Office)

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Before this chapter kicks off, I just want to say thank you to everyone for the lovely messages you left behind. I read all the comments you guys left behind and I sincerely appreciate them all.

You guys are just so awesome. I can't even handle the amount of support you guys give me. It makes me want to tear up from all your kindness.


I love every single person on here. You all mean the world to me. I'm so lucky and blessed to have been able to find this app, to have been able to make all these amazing friends.

I'm so grateful. I just can't say it enough.

You guys don't understand how much I love you all! I'm crying as I write this! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I'm such an emotional bitch 🤧


Jokes aside, I really don't mean it, with all my heart, and with all my being.

These aren't empty words. I truly mean them. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

Hahaha. So, now I want to talk about what I've been wanting to say.


How many of you heard of..........The Office?

I started watching it on Monday and I'm currently on season 2 I think episode 15

I absolutely love this show. It's amazingly spectacular and I can't stop watching it.

It's so freakin good.

I recommend you all to watch it if you haven't. It's just SOOOOOOOOOO AWEOME!

I can't stop laughing at it. It's absolutely hilarious. It's just........good. It's good. It's good!

(Bruce Almighty reference) XD

Alright so does anyone else watch it? Let me know cause I want to geek out about this show with someone. XD

Lol. Let's make this chapter about The Office. OHMYGOD YES!!! This chapter will be for talking about The Office.

This goes without saying, but I completely and totally recommend this show for people who like comedy.

Anyway. Have a great day my peeps!

Love you, BA BYE!


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