Chapter 32

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Third person pov

Zabuza and Haku were in a daze. A terrified daze. They stared at Ima numbly as she happily chatted to Sasuke, who looked like he was only half listening. Sakura and Tazuna were in a similar state to the two criminals. They'd had no idea Ima had such... raw power at her disposal. Could she imagine people dead, and it would just happen? Sakura shivered. To think she'd been so rude to someone who could snap her neck just by thinking about it.

"Did you see all the bombs?!" Ima chirped with cheerful naivety. "They were like 'boom' and there was slime everywhere. And did you see the other me?! She didn't even trip over her hair!" Ima burst out excitedly. Sasuke, who had Ima's hair bundled up in his arms, nodded absentmindedly, gazing at her face.

"I should have taken a video." Oberon noted. "Would have made a killer short film. Get it. Killer. I made a pun."

"We got it. Believe it." Naruto said dryly. He then squinted at Oberon. "How old are you? Because your jokes aren't that funny, but sensei says you have to laugh once someone reaches a certain age."

Oberon squinted back. "Asking someone's age is rude."

"Only if it's a woman. Do you not have a penis?!" Naruto became panicked. "Sorry, believe it!"

Oberon groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation. Ima was too happy to care as they bounced right back into Tazuna's house. They'd spend the next few days recovering, and then set off towards Konoha. They'd be bringing Zabuza and Haku with them. The pair were too afraid to run and hide, honestly. 

"Ima, why didn't you tell us you had such abilities?" Kakashi asked. He had no idea she was such a powerhouse. She'd brought back Sakumo for a while, but he didn't realize she could make bombs fall out of nowhere. Finish a bridge in seconds, and make it indestructible. She had displayed terrifying ferocity, making a clone of herself to do all that for her. She didn't even seem fazed. Whatever it was, it hadn't used chakra.

"Didn't I?" Ima looked confused. "I can imagine anything, and it happens!"

Kakashi had to give it to her, she had said that.

"Are you sure they should be coming inside? They did..." Tazuna trailed off as he shot a worried glance to both Zabuza and Haku, who were staring at Ima in absolute awe and fear even still. Ima seemed oblivious to their gazes, happily trotting alongside Naruto and Sasuke while she babbled. 

"Well," Ima glanced at him. "I can't imagine they'd be all that dangerous restrained."

Haku and Zabuza both tensed as roped formed mid air, beginning to snake around them. Neither fought it. This girl'd made a giant caterpillar with a cow head appear and eat people. If that wasn't terrifying, nothing was anymore. Oberon cackled at the resigned looks on their faces as they were tied up.

"Man, the looks on people's faces when things pop out of nowhere. It's never going to get old." He wiped a tear from his eye. 

"Come on, Ima." Sasuke humphed, eyeing Haku like he was satan reincarnate. He didn't like the way the oddly-feminine boy was looking at Ima. He gave a glare for good measure before ushering the girl into the house. Naruto snickered at Sasuke. The Uchiha reminded Naruto of a very angry cat.

"You guys want some ramen? I brought extra." Naruto said as Ima and Sasuke vanished, leaving the blonde with Oberon and the pair of criminals. The trio stared at him. "I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry, I won't even set anything on fire this time, believe it!" He swore.

"Ima, are you okay?" Sasuke asked once they were in the confines of the room they'd been sharing. He let Ima's hair fall carefully. It swished around her feet as she bounced over to the bed, flopping down on it. Sasuke watched her carefully. She appeared to be fine, but she had just killed several people. Bad people, albeit, but people nonetheless.

"I'm fine." Ima shot up into a sitting position. "Today was a good day. Those men weren't good. They were going to kill us if we didn't do anything."

"They were." Sasuke confirmed, taking a seat next to her. She stared up at the ceiling. He followed her gaze, and wasn't surprised to see the rickety wood paneling that made up to roof of the room had been replaced by a starry night sky. He felt his shoulders slouch slightly, gazing up at it. He felt Ima's small hand slide under his, and his lips twitched upwards.

Sasuke reveled in it. They were finally together, for real, and now it'd finally be able to stay that way.

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