Chapter 3

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"You are the crowd that sits quiet, listening'  to me  and all the mad sense that I make"


"Well if you guys have anymore questions, I'll be downstairs" As Taeyeon-unnie walked out the room to continue whatever she was doing, I then set down my stuff on the floor because I was too lazy to unpack and I was sleepy and laid down on the bed on the right side of the room

"At least, we'll be across the hall neighbors Minari" I chuckled 

"Yeah, across the hall neighbors isn't that bad, at least help me unpack my stuff Momo-chan"

"Okay okay Minari I'll help you, after my nap"

"Aiishh Momo!" as she said while pulling me by the arm off the bed and I finally got up with whatever strength I mustered

We then went across the hall where Mina's room is, it was locked meaning that her roommate is already inside, we tried knocking the first time, no response after knocking the third time, the door opened and we were met by a cute little girl who was in her pikachu pajama's

"Hi there, and uh can I help you two?" Awweeee shes so adorableee 

"Hi there, I'm Mina, you're roommate and this Momo she's in the room across us and will be helping me with my stuff" 

"Ohh you're my roommate? I didnt expect you to be this...pretty" Mina then blushes after that compliment, "I'm Chaeyoung but you can call me Chae for short, come on in" 

We went in the room, it was the same as mine, as what you expect in a dormitory, but there were  posters of Disney cartoons and the TV was playing spongebob squarepants, Mina has a childish roommate, a cute and childish roommate I wonder how this will turn out for the both of them, a few minutes later we finished unpacking Mina's stuff, geez we're only going to college why bring so many clothes, good thing her roommate helped with the unpacking as well, after that we all sat down on the floor and made some small talk

"So, Chae how old are you?" 

"Uhm 19 going to be turning 20 next year why  you ask?" Frick 19 really?

"You don't look 19 to me, you look more like a 16 year old to me"

"I get that alot, its because people say I'm small and cute thats why"

"Thats because you are cute and small" Mina then giggled after she said that the flip Mina? 

"Speaking of unpacking I'll go ahead now to my room and start unpacking my stuff, I'll see you around Minari and nice meeting you Chae" 

I then head back to my room, no one else's bags were there so that means my roommate hasn't arrived yet, I then heard a knock on my door Guess thats her


I opened the door, only to find out it was Taeyeon unnie

"Hello Momo how's the unpacking going?" she smiled 

"I was about to unpack my stuff thanks for asking unnie, anyway what brings you here?" 

"I forgot to give you this" she then hands me a small piece of paper that says "SCUniversity15"

"Whats this?" 

"Thats the wi-fi password silly, don't wanna do your assignments or research without any internet" she giggled

"Oh" I felt stupid for five seconds

"I'll also give your friend across the hall the wifi password, and I think you're roommate will arrive sometime today or tomorrow, anyways gotta go see ya around campus!" she then left the room and closed the door behind her leaving me in the room to unpack my stuff, I unpacked my laptop first from my backpack and set it down on the study table on my side of the room 

I texted Mama and Papa to let them know that I'm already in the dorm all settled, and that I'll be calling them later after I get some rest from traveling,

"Mamaaa, I just arrived at the dorm, text you back when I wake up" sent 02:30pm

"okay Momo-chan take care" seen 02:31 pm

I plugged in my phone charger then plugged in my phone because my phone was on 5 percent then left it on the study table before laying down on the bed feeling my eye lids getting heavier as I drifted off to my nap

Minatozaki huh? she must be Japanese too...


I then grabbed my laptop and earphones from my penguin backpack and set it down on the study table because I'll be watching the latest episodes of my favorite drama and anime later, I'm sleeping on the left side of the room, since Chae was first here but it doesnt really matter what side of the room I'm sleeping on, as long as I can sleep and have a bed, its fine by me I then heard a knock on the door who could this be?

I open the door and to my surprise it was Taeyeon unnie checking on us

"Hello there, you two getting along well?" 

"Yeah Taeyeon-unnie, me and Mina are gettting along just fine" 

"Here is the wifi password by the way, I forgot to give these to you earlier" she then hands us a small piece of paper "Anyway I'll be heading out now and check on the other ladies on the other building, see you around!" she then left and closed the door behind her, gosh,  her job must be tough and tiring.

"Hey Mina, wanna head out to get some food? there are some convenience stores and fast food joints near the campus so we can get back and not get back real late and get in trouble" 

"Okay I'll go check on Momo to see if she wants to come along"


So hi there everyone reading this fanfic, its me, author-chan I hope you guys like the story so far? If not thats fine no worries ^_^ if Im slow in updating this book the reason is that Im thinking on whats gonna happen next in the future chapters to come and ideas aren't that easy to come into your head if you're writing a fanfic, and then theres school and my part time job...anyways please support the story by voting and suggesting this to your friends who ship Momo and Sana so much (Like I do)  Arigato Gozaimasu, Xie Xie Ni, Gracias, Thank You ^_^ 

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