Chapter 8

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"You are my heart and my soul, my inspiration just like the old love song goes"

It was the grasslands again, the same grasslands where we saw our two lovebirds play around happily and sat underneath the huge cherry blossom tree when it started to rain, but this time it was only the young girl at the open field, and it seems like she was looking for the older girl she cupped her hands and shouted hoping that the older girl would find her

"Momoriiin where are you?"

No response so she tried again and shouted louder for her

"Momoriiin! Where are you!"

She felt sad and scared because she couldn't find her anywhere and she was all alone in the grass field, and little did she know, there was someone sneaking up behind her.

She screamed in surprise as someone held her by the waist and lifted her off a few inches from the ground.

"I got you Sana!"

"Ahhh!!  Momoriin"

They spun around a few times until they finally landed softly on the grass, lying next to each other, with their faces a few inches apart..

"Momoriin, don't disappear on me like that, I was scared you know" the younger girl lightly shoved the older girl on the shoulder and pouted and then she moved in closer to the older girl to lean on her chest and wrapped her arms around her body tighty...and never letting go

And the older girl held her back tightly as well and kissed her forehead while running her fingers softly through the younger girl's hair, "I'm sorry Sana, I won't disappear on you again, I'm not going anywhere"

After hearing those words, the younger girl hugged her tightly and smiled as everything faded to white


I woke up and had that dream again, but gosh I can't help but smile,It seemed too real, I sat upright on my bed and fixed my hair and when I looked to Momo's bed, she wasn't there, she must have got out of bed early, I went out of the room into the hallway and was hit by the smell of Jihyo's cooking, I went down to look and there was Jihyo preparing the table setting I quickly ran down the stairs and helped her with the plates

"Here let me help you Jihyo" as I grabbed the plates and utensils from her

"Oh thanks, its Sana right?" she asked

"Yes my name isn't that hard to forget especially when it belongs to someone as pretty as me" I chuckled and Jihyo shoved me lightly

"Oh god please don't be like Nayeon, one narcissist is enough in this dorm I can't imagine what would happen in this dorm if there were two Nayeon's in this dorm" she laughed

"Don't worry Jihyo I wont" I gently smiled and continued to place the plates and the utensils on the table, then Chaeyoung and Tzuyu joined in the dining room with me and Jihyo

"Morning everyone" the little girl said to us

"Morning Chaeyoung, Morning Tzuyu" I greeted them both, Tzuyu just smiled and sat down at her seat on the dining table, Chaeyoung on the other hand changed her mind and decided to go to the living room and watch tv, it was either the morning news or the morning cartoons

"Have any of you guys seen Momo?" Tzuyu just shrugged, Chaeyoung didn't respond because she was busy channel surfing in the living room.

"Oh she just went upstairs to shower because she just finished jogging earlier" Jihyo said while preparing the waffles

"Ohh okay, thanks Jihyo" she jogs?, she probably has abs- SANA GET A GRIP

We then heard a loud scream coming from Chaeyoung in the living room

"MINAAAAAA" no doubt, Mina was awake and picking her ears with her pinky finger because of Chaeyoung's screaming early in the morning, she then joined me, Tzuyu and Jihyo in the dining room taking her seat, leaving a vacant spot between me and her and that spot is for Momo.

"Morning everyone" she greeted us and stretched her arms upward, "Sana, wheres Momo?" she asked, "Oh she's in the shower right now" 

"Oh, then why didn't you join her?" she gave a mischievous smile at me, "Minaaa" I shoved her lightly while she was still laughing by my blushing cheeks

"Alright enough with the gay crap its still early in the morning" we turned to see Nayeon-unnie walking towards us and waved before taking her seat on the dining table, "Morning guys, last night was fun I haven't had that kind of fun since my graduation party" the elder girl chuckled we just found out last night she was the eldest of all of us, even though she looks like the youngest among all of us. "Anyway Jihyo dear, whats for breakfast?"

"Oh I made us waffles, they may not be Belgian made but they are delicious as Belgian waffles" she smiled

"Ohhh waffles" Dahyun and Jeongyeon ran down the stairs finally joined the dining table by the look on their faces, their hungry and ready to eat breakfast,so all thats left besides Chaeyoung who is in the living room still watching tv, was my dream girl, Momo, I wonder whats taking her so long...


I got out the shower and wore a bathrobe because I was still soaking wet and wrapped a towel over my hair and got my fresh clothes, as I got into the hallway I can hear chattering downstairs which means everyone is downstairs now waiting for breakfast and the smell of waffles in the air, I quickly went into my room and dried myself with my towel and got into the clothes I brought with me, I got out and went downstairs and everyone in the dorm was there

"Morning Everyone!" I greeted everyone in the dining room, they turned to me and greeted me back and one person was real happy to see me, and that person is Sana, I walked towards my chair between Sana and Mina, before I sat down, I patted Sana's head and messed her hair a bit,

"Morning Momorriiin" she greeted me while looking me in the eyes and smiling, "Morning Sana how'd you sleep last night?"

"I slept fine Momoriin anyway lets eat, the waffles are here" she chuckled lightly shoves me, when I turn to Mina, she had a big smile on her face.

"What?" I asked her, "Oh nothing I can't help but smile when I see the both of you" she remarked before she continued eating her waffle

Nayeon-unnie, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Dahyun left the dorm early because they had classes at 7:30 in the morning and it was already seven and they had to walk from the dorm to the campus and find their classrooms, Jihyo told us to clean up after we were done eating, Sana washed the dishes and I decided to help her with the dishes since we got an hour to prepare our stuff and head for class

"Thank you for helping with the dishes Momoriin" she smiled while cleaning the dishes, "Its the least I can do since Mina and the others left us here"

Right when I was about to grab the last plate that needed washing, Sana also reached for it and I grabbed her hand instead and we looked at each other for a solid five seconds before letting go and I turned my head away in embarrasement, "I got this Sana, you can go upstairs now and take a bath and get ready for your class"

"Okay, Momorin" she walked out the room and I let out a sigh and looked at my hand, Sana's hand felt really soft, I just wanna hold them agai- MOMO STOP, YOU JUST MET HER THIS IS TOO EARLY, I finished washing the dishes after I mentally lectured myself, I sad down on the couch and I can't help but smile, is this what liking someone feels like?


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