Chapter 10

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It was the first day of classes at Seoul City Women's University and the students were either rushing to their classrooms for their class or just chilling at the park in the middle of campus because it was their free time and are waiting for their next period,

Momo and Sana on the other hand were walking along the halls of the Sejong building looking for their room on the second floor, after climbing the stairs they walked along the hallway and finally found their classroom, as they got in the room, they heard a familiar ear deafening scream.

"MOMO!, SANA!" It was none other than Jihyo, their "mother" who cooks for them and feeds them at the dorm, sitting next to Jihyo was the youngest boarder at the dorm, Tzuyu and she was picking her ears because of Jihyo's high pitch voice, "Unnie at least keep your voice down we're not the only ones here in the classroom you know" she remarked.

"Wow, Jihyo-unnie and Tzuyu its nice seeing you two and we're in the same class too!" Sana smiled and she then looked back to Momo "How wonderful it is right Momoriin? Two of our dorm mates are here in the same class with us" as she said with that look in her eyes that seem to glimmer which is Momo's weakness

"Yeah it is wonderful" she smiled at the younger girl and then Sana grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her and they take their seats along Jihyo and Tzuyu who were seated at the third to the last row from the whiteboard.

The minutes drawing near 9 AM for class to start, more students came in to the room and took their seats, the four dorm mates were talking to each other, Momo's phone buzzed, she check to see a text message from her mother

" My not-so little baby Momo-chaan have a great first day of classes good luck!"

She smiled and she then looked over to Sana who was peeking at her phone giggling, "Awweee thats so sweet of mama, Momoriiin" she then pinched Momo's cheeks and Momo just groaned a bit, then the teacher finally arrived and the classroom suddenly went silent in an instant.

"Good Morning everyone" the teacher greeted her class, "Good Morning teacher!" all the students in the classroom replied

"Welcome to Seoul City Women's University, one of the prestigious universities that South Korea has to offer to young women like you, I am Ms. Kim Shin Young, and you will be stuck with me until for the whole semester and we will be learning World Literature, but first I'd like to get to know my students." she then shows a list to the class

"In this list are the students who are enrolled in my class, and I will call out your names in random order not alphabetically, so when I call your name, you come up to the front and introduce yourself to the class" the teacher then reads the class list and finds a name.

"Chou-Tzu-Yu?" Momo, Sana and Jihyo turn to Tzuyu with big grins on their faces and Tzuyu looked back to them with an expression that says "you'll get your turn" written all over her face, she stood up from her seat to get this over with, she walked to the front of the class with eyes all over her either due to the fact that she is the tallest in the class or she is just stunningly beautiful, she took a deep breath to calm herself and finally spoke infront of the class

"Good morning teacher, good morning classmates, I am Chou Tzu-yu but you can just call me by my first name, Tzuyu" she smiled, "I am nineteen years old and I am originally from Taiwan"

"Ah Taiwan, so that means your mother tongue is Chinese?" Ms. Shin-Young interrupted, "Yes teacher, and I hope to be learning alongside everyone here in the class" she slightly bows and the class gave a light applause

"Nice to meet you too as well miss Tzuyu, now lets move on to the next student to introduce themselves" she scans the class list again and finds another student to introduce themselves to the front of the class

"Minatozaki and the next to introduce to the front will be Hirai" Momo and Sana looked at each other while Sana had a nervous look to her face because she was going to the front to introduce herself, Momo held both her hands and looked her in the eyes saying "You can do it Sana I believe in you just go up there and introduce yourself" she smiled at her making Sana smile and feel much better

Sana got up from her seat, now with all eyes on her she proceeded to walk to the front and walked past Tzuyu who was going back to her seat, looking around the classroom while the classmates are staring at her, she looked to Momo who smiled and gave her a thumbs up, she took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Good morning teacher and hello classmates, my name is Sana Minatozaki, I am originally from Japan and I am hoping to be acquainted with each and every one of you" she bowed slightly, "Next is Hirai, then I will share some announcements" the teacher said and everyone in the room released a sigh of relief

Momo stood up from her seat, while walking to the front of the class, she walked past Sana and she held Momo's hand while leaving a piece of paper on her right palm, she looked to Sana who just smiled at her and then went back to take her seat.

"Hello everyone, I'm Momo Hirai, uh...I don't usually talk infront of crowds so this is a first for me, like my friend Sana, I am also originally from Japan, its a pleasure to meet you all" she bowed slightly and proceeded to walk to her seat

"Okay, it was nice to meet you three lovely ladies, as for the rest of you, you will be introducing yourselves on our next meeting which is on Thursday, but for now I'll end the class early since the faculty will have a meeting at 10am, and as your adviser for the freshmen class organization, I advise you all to join some school clubs which are listed at the announcement board at the ground floor, okay that will be all, class is dismissed"

Everyone in the classroom got up from their seats and grabbed their bags, Momo, Sana, Jihyo and Tzuyu walked out the room and just stood by the hallway, "So where to next and my guess is there will be no 10:30 class since theres a faculty meeting" Tzuyu asked her unnies

"We can either go to the cafeteria but I'm pretty sure its packed with people by now since its almost lunchtime or we can head back to the dorm until our next class" Jihyo suggested

"Dorm, I wanna lay down for a while in my air-conditioned room" Momo remarked and Sana also nodded to the idea as well

"Then its settled then lets walk back to the dorm and just relax maybe I'll cook us some lunch" Jihyo said while Tzuyu was just playing a game on her phone, the four girls then walked to their dorm while on the way they talked along the way,

Sana on the other hand was holding onto Momo's arm the whole walk to the dorm like a koala holding onto a tree, Momo just looked over to her and just smiled

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