Chapter 6

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"Sorry if sometimes I look past you, there's no one beyond your eyes"

"Thank You"


After hearing her soft and sweet voice very close to my ears, thanking me, for the time I spent with her, I felt goosebumps all over my body and and it made me shake a bit, gosh she has to stop doing these things that makes me fall even harder for her or else I might go nuts, I don't know if she is doing this on purpose or not but she has to stop because I can't handle it if she does these kinds of things to me, and I haven't opened up to her about my sexuality yet.

I then went to the living room to join the others, "Oh hey Sana, you're back!" Jihyo greeted me as I entered the living room. "Wasn't Momo with you?" Mina then asked, "Yeah she went upstairs to change out of her clothes".

"Good lord, Its only the first two days and we already got couples here in this dorm, We got Mina and Chae and then there's you and Momo" Nayeon said, Me and Momo, as a couple? I'd be the luckiest girl in this existence if that happens

"By the way, wheres the food?", "We ordered three boxes of pizza a while ago it should arrive anytime now" Jeongyeon said while they were playing their game of Jenga. "Oh cool I'll go get changed upstairs then"


I went upstairs and I cant stop smiling after that moved I pulled off on Sana, as I lay down on the bend I kept wondering to myself, why am I being like this today for some reason, I know I just met her but I really can't help how cute and pretty she is, especially the first time I saw her, I can't say its "love" because its too early to tell because one, we only just met, and two I don't know if she even loves me back for who I am, anyway I decided to stalk her profile on instagram and oh my god...


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Sandarella1229: Smile; You never know who's watching 😉 


I was at loss for words when I saw her profile, and that smile of hers, I feel like I'm about to die but not yet. Then suddenly the person who's profile I was stalking suddenly came in, I immediately closed the app and switched it to music player luckily I wasn't caught.

"Hello Momoriin" she giggled "Whatcha doin there?"

"Not much" I replied while I was pretend scrolling through my phone, "We're having pizza by the way the girls ordered while we were away should be arriving anytime now" she said while she was rummaging through the wardrobe

"Oooohh pizza?!" As I sat upright real quick after I heard "pizza". "Yeah, anyway can you go down stairs first? I'm quite shy when theres someone around while I'm changing"

"Oh okay no problem" I nervously smiled then got out the room real quick before my face would blush then all of a sudden, Mina pulled me in her room.

"Momorin, happy birthday by the way but that's not what I pulled you in here for" she looked at me with a mischievous smile and Chaeyoung sitting on her bed, with her eyes fixed on to me as well, "Are you girlfriends with Sana?" Chae said and Mina then suddenly threw a pillow at her, "Whaaat?" the younger girl asked, "Aiiish don't be so forward, anyway I see you two gone out recently so heres the big question Momorin" and then Mina and Chae looked each other with a weird smile and then looked back at me, "Do you like Sana?".

"Well, its too early to tell since we just met guys, but I kind of feel this thing that every time I see her, my heart skips a beat" I said while hiding my face on the pillow because I was embarassed at what came out of my mouth and then the both of them squealed in excitement, "We knew it! You have a thing for Sana, if you need any help or advice just let us know" Minari said

"Okay but please don't tell the other girls about this if Sana finds out and starts to move away from me, I'd be really sad". Because if this gossip came out and it reaches Sana, I'm afraid that she might move away from me, all because I have feelings towards her.

Then we heard an ear shattering shout from none other Jihyo downstairs letting everyone who lived in this dorm that the pizza finally arrived. Me, Mina and Chae ran downstairs then Sana followed along downstairs and they weren't kidding, they ordered three boxes of pizza.

"Where the heck did you guys get the money to buy three boxes?" I asked, "Me, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu had coupons to the same pizza place so it saved us alot of cash" Nayeon said "Anyway lets dig In bitches! Lets enjoy tonight before we suffer on our first day of classes tomorrow!" 

We cheered and ate pizza, got to know each other more better, played some games, Sana sat next to me the entire time, but I didn't mind at all because it felt like somehow, she feels safe around me, she wrapped my arm around hers and leaned on my shoulder and yawned, she was getting sleepy from the partying we had in our dorm and I patted her on the head just because she was that cute, then it was time to go to bed...

"Good night everyone, wish you guys a good first day of classes tomorrow" Jihyo said before going into her room that she shared with Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Me and Sana got into our rooms and got into our beds,

"Wow that was really fun, I never seen someone who ate 5 slices in a row like you Momorin" she giggled

"Yeah, and I feel like I'm about to go into a food coma" as my eyes were getting heavier because of how sleepy I am and having full stomach at the same time.

"What times your first class Momorin?" Sana asked me with that cute and sweet tone of hers, and I pulled out my phone to check the note that had my schedule on it...

"Uhhh 9 in the morning". "Ooohhh me too, who knows we might be classmates too" she giggled.

"My eyes are getting heavy now, goodnight Sana"

"Good night Momorin sweet dreams"


Hello again, your friendly neighborhood author-chan here, sorry again for the late update and will update the next chapters as quick as I can, thank you guys for showing support to this story! Don't forget to vote and give some feedback thank you! 

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