20: A Romantic Halloween

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Yn: A concert a few months ago was wonderful. The boys were magical. But my boyfriend, Ethan, was the best part. Being with him was my favorite part of the day. That's how it is for me everyday. I love him and I KNOW he loves me. No matter what anyone says or anyone does. We will be with each other forever.

School week started again after the weekend. It's Tuesday October 31st. Halloween night. I don't plan to be anything. All I am going to do is put my DIY Princess Leia buns hair style and wear a white sweater, white skinny jeans, and black boots. Ethan wears a orange flannel and ripped jeans with a red beanie. To be honest it was cute. Everyone wore a costume. Me and Ethan were going to hand out candy this year. But not any candy... FULL SIZED! Yes, we are going to be that house this year. While listening and watching Why Don't We videos. 

We still had a couple hours before 6:30. "Hey. Wanna go grab something with me? It would be a treat!" Ethan asked. "First of all, bad pun. Second of all, I would love to." We go to Starbucks and he gets a Pumpkin Spiced Frappuccino and I get a Triple Mocha Frappuccino. "Thanks for coming." "What choice did I have? It's Starbucks!" He chuckles lightly. He scoots his chair a little closer. I put my arm on the table, putting my hand under my chin.

 We talk about the holidays and how we need to plan. The pals are always packed in the Christmas season. That's why we need to talk about it now or we are never going to have time for each other. 

I sip my cold drink Ethan got me and we look into each other's eyes. We smile and lean in closer by the second. Then I find my lips on his. It was slow my sweet. I open my eyes slowly and back away. But not the way as if I were disgusted. Just to stop the kiss so we don't get in trouble. "We should go." He nods. 

We decide to go to a small haunted house. By the time we are there we are done with our Frappuccinos. Me and Ethan walk in and haunting begins.

Ethan: We walk in and the door slams closed. Yn look worried so I hold her hand tight. He smooth palm softens because she seems comfortable. Fake ghost sound begin to ring off. We continue to walk through the house withe ease. But then a TV appears. A old lady named Granny form a horror game gives a scary message. I do understand Yn gets quite scared in dark places that is not verified by herself. 

"Hey babe... Can we please leave now. It's 6:15..." I nod and we slowly walk out another TV comes out with out us seeing and Granny screams and jump scares the poor girl into my arms. I kiss her on the forehead. I put her down and we walk back to the car.

Everyone was waiting for us to get to get home. Of course everyone wasn't going tick-or-treating. They were going to a Youtuber party. We came home and as soon as they saw us they ran out the door into the cars. We pass out candy the rest of the night. Best Halloween ever!

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