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LEMME TELL YA SOMETHING! I, for whatever reason, couldn't access the comics on this Sans. I only watched memes and short clips, so I'm going off of that and my own crazy mind. Also, I'm taking a handful of inspiration from "Forced Destroyer Error" by harrish6, so go check them out! In this story, Unlust is friends with the "Bad Sanses" and cares deeply about all of them. I also added one OC to this in case you don't mind... This is Unlust Sans' POV the whole time, just so you know. Anyway, I hope you somehow enjoy this story!


I'd been hiding for what seemed like forever. The monsters in my AU were still looking for me, so I couldn't get to the Dreamtale portal. Well, that's what had been the case until now. I heard the running footsteps cease, and I quickly(but carefully) made my way to the portal. I jumped through just as soon as I heard someone scream, "I found him!"

I fell into the other side and immediately hid under a table. The only reason why is because I spotted Fell near the landing platform. He didn't seem to spot me, so I sighed and quietly went to the meeting room. Almost as soon as I stepped in the room, I got confused and curious stares. Mostly confused. I silently sat down in my seat and half-listened to Ink's plan on killing Error. Except for the actual plan part, which caught me so off guard it's not even Sans-joke worthy. "If we lure him into a blank AU and make an ambush, he's sure to go down!" he exclaimed confidently. But here's the problem with that: Error was always with Dust. Dust has been helping me through what happened with Fell. 'f**k' I thought, my eyelights gone. After the meeting, I knew I had to warn them. 'Dust's my friend now, making Error my friend too' I thought, about to leave for the Anti-Void. I felt someone grab my hand, making me yelp. Just in case you were wondering, I have extreme Haphephobia, fear of being touched. A slight tap could make me scream sometimes. I whipped my head around, which is what made me scream. Fell was staring at me with hate, gripping my wrist like he wanted to break it off. I tried prying my hand from him, but it wouldn't budge. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked with a low growl. "N-none of y-your b-business..!" I stuttered in fear. I forgot to mention, I've gained a major stutter and Insomnia too. Life is a living hell, might I say. "May not be mine, but I can sure make it Ink's" he snarled, dragging me back to the room. "L-let go of m-me!" I yelped, getting very uncomfortable being touched this long. When we got there, Fell threw me to the floor. "Ink, he was going to the Anti-Void" he said simply, and I could tell Ink was thinking the same as him. "Why would you try seeing him!" Ink screamed. I whimpered and backed up, which Ink was obviously not expecting. I'm pretty sure he was expecting me to make some sort of dirty comment... like I used to do. "H-he's m-y friend I-Ink..! H-he d-doesn't like w-what he d-does, ho-honest!" Now that. That caught him VERY off guard. "FRIENDS?! ARE YOU CRAZY??!!" he yelled, making me tear up. I noticed an opening between Fell and the door, and came to the most risky decision ever. I made a run for it.

I ran as fast as I could, hearing frantic footsteps behind me. I was nearing the Anti-Void portal, and somehow sprinted even faster. If only I could still teleport... Although I'm surprised they didn't think about teleporting to catch me.. I jumped in and felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me. This happened every time though, so I didn't allow it to knock me out. I was out of breath, so I fell on my knees and took deep breaths like Killer taught me. When I could somewhat control my breathing, I got up and spotted Error in the distance. "E-Error!" I stutter-yelled across the white. His head flung to face me, and he teleported to where I was. Almost as soon as he did, he noticed my still-wavering breathing and put on a serious face. "What happened Lu- ahem... Sans?" he asked, catching himself. When he and Dust first found me like this, he decided to call me by my default name, Sans, until we came up with something more unique than "Unlust". "Th-they c-caught me o-on m-my way h-here..." I stuttered, looking away slightly. Error sighed, picking me up and teleporting us to Nightmare's castle. "Babe! Sans needs the inhaler!" he called through the mansion-like building. "Alright sweetie gimme a sec!" I heard Nightmare call back. The two had become engaged recently (Errormare for life XD), but hadn't had the time or place for a real wedding so far. A few moments later, the tar-covered demigod rushed downstairs with my inhaler. He handed me the plastic device and gave Error a peck on the forehead. I saw the glitched god blush slightly as I took my breaths in the inhaler. Once I was done, Nightmare snatched it from me, refusing to let me put it away. "N-Nightmare, come o-on" I stuttered. "No 'come ons'. We're here to take care of you, so that's what I'm going to do." he stated firmly, placing the device in my medicine drawer. Just then, the familiar faces of my true friends came downstairs to greet me. 'Killer, Horror, Dust, and... wait.' I thought, coming to a realization. "Wh-where's Cross..?" I asked nervously. I saw a flicker of remembrance in Horror's good eye. "We need your help, Sans." he said. "O-on it. Wh-where t-to..?" I asked, already knowing he'd been captured by those Star b****es. "Underswap" Killer answered. I nodded as we teleported to the AU. I heard footsteps, so I pulled my friends into the cover of the trees. A skeleton ran past us, and I instantly recognized them as SwapFell Sans. We decided to follow him, which ended up being a great decision. We saw Stretch and Fell beating the s*** out of Cross. That made me mad. That made us all mad. I growled and heard mimicked sounds behind me from my companions. We were teleported by Error up to seperate trees, waiting for the right time to save our friend.

They were still beating Cross, when Fell summoned a sharp bone and stabbed him dead in the eye socket. Cross' scream rang through the forest as Fell laughed. I tried controlling myself but when I watched them do THAT... I snapped. I jumped from my tree and attacked Stretch, knowing he was the strongest. I couldn't teleport, but I could still use the normal bones and gaster blaster attacks. I jumped off him ad summoned bones up, penetrating his whole body. It knocked him out cold. My attention then quickly turned to Fell, who was no longer laughing. He was SCARED. Understandable. My eyes must have turned to the pinkish slits from that chemical Dust gave me... I don't remember much else, except for the fact that I almost killed him before the chemical wore off. He was also knocked out, and I saw my friends staring in awe from the trees. I decided not to question it and rushed over to Cross. "A-are you o-okay?!" I stuttered frantically, seeing him slowly go unconscious. "Thanks Sans.." he muttered weakly before passing out. I sighed and picked him up bridal style, turning back to my friends in the trees. Error summoned a portal and we all went back home.

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