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I was back. Right before Ink had started blasting me. Alright, to answer confusion, yes I can save. The right side of half of my soul is overloaded with determination, so I decided to save before the torture. Everyone looked around them, clearly very confused. Yeah, everyone remembers little saves too. "Did you really think I would die that easily Ink?" I asked, giggling. "How do you-" I knew what he tried to ask, but I stopped him. "Know your name? The files know everything. Hold everything too. Now if you'll excuse me." I said simply. I firmly gripped Break's small hand, teleported next to Dust and Nightmare, and hesitated a bit. They seemed to know what was going on, as they each grabbed one of my shoulders. I then teleported us out of the castle to the Anti-Void. The files had told me that Nightmare and Dust were really close to Error, so we were in a safe-ish place. As soon as we got there, Break hugged me tightly. Well, hugged my leg seeing as she was tiny. "Thank you mister" she whispered, sobbing. "You're very welcome." I replied. "Error?!" Dust and Nightmare exclaimed in unison. "He's alright, I healed and bandaged him. He's just sleeping now." I said calmly, reassuring them that their friend was fine. They both sighed in relief, sitting next to Error. Nightmare went to his passive form, probably something he did around Break. "So you're Break's cousin, huh?" Dust asked. "Yup! It's nice to meet you both." I replied.

"So what's your name?"

"Oh, my name's Change Snova, but you can call me Snova!"

"I feel like I recognize you, Snova. Your name too."

"Same here, Dust."

"Wait, so you know everyone's names already?"

"Yup. You're Nightmare, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes I am. That's cool!"


"WoW, wHaT a CrOwD."

We all jumped a bit from the sudden glitchy voice. Error was sitting up, staring at all of us. "Error!" Nightmare and Dust exclaimed in unison, tackling their friend in a hug. "HeH.. nIcE tO sEe YoU gUyS tOo" Error patted them both on the back. "AnD hElLo To YoU tOo LiTtLe OnE" he added, smiling at Break. He then turned his attention to me. "AnD yOu ArE?" he asked, getting up off the floor. "Oh! This is Change Snova, going by Snova. He's the one that healed you." Nightmare explained. "He also saved us and Break from those Star B****es" Dust mumbled, anger showing in his eye sockets. "Yeah! He's my cousin, Erry!" Break squeaked. "WeLp, It'S nIcE tO mEeT yOu SnOvA" Error said after a bit, holding out his hand. I took it to a handshake, smiling. Although I felt like the interaction had happened before...

"Should we try communicating with him?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well make up your minds cause we don't have much time until Fate finds out about this."

"Patience, brother. That's all we need."

"How am I supposed to have patience right now?!"

"You know what, yeah. We can communicate with him. Tell him what's going on."

"Then it's settled. We wait until nightfall and explain all of this, alright?"

"I agree sister."


"Let's do this!"

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