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'Where am I? Who am I? What am I? How am I here?' So many thoughts were running through my mind. I decided to CHECK myself. I pulled out my soul. It was... strange. At least I think it's strange. My soul was divided into two halves. One half was a light pink, upside down heart. The other half was a purple, cracked one with some of the cracks being blue and orange. That half was right side up for some reason. I then CHECKED myself.


HP: 999999999/999999999

AT: 666(99999)

DF: 666(99999)

LV: 666

EXP: 99999999

NEXT: 666

WEAPON: Dust's weapon bones

ARMOR: Papyrus' Scarf

GOLD: 666

'Oh right! My weapon and armor come from my dead brothers... but man that's a lot of LV! Can't believe I forgot most of my personal information until now... yeesh.' I was on some sort of boat surrounded by water. Something in the back of my head told me "OceanTale" so I just went with it. I took a look in the water. I was wearing a lavender pink hoodie with black pants and lavender sneakers. The hoodie had a light blue upside down heart, but it was broken in half. I was wearing Papyrus' torn red scarf and ?my? purple and black bandana around my eyes. I took it off to see my eyes, which were strangely mismatched. My left eye was a black socket and white eylight, while my right eye was a dark purple socket with a blue eyelight and various cracks surrounding it. I put the bandana back around my eyes and on instinct opened a portal to the Anti-Void. That's what it's called, right? Yeah I think so... I opened the Multiverse files and found many, MANY crossed out ones. A file named Dream, one named Swap, some named Killer, Cross, Fell, and Horror. One had a line over it, but not the X. Meaning it was halfway broken. Same with mine. The file was called "Error". It was glitched and corrupted, so I decided to teleport to the broken soul. Once I got there, I thought I recognized him. But I didn't. He was laying in a bloody heep on the floor, so once I registered what I saw in front of me, I pulled out Dust's bones. Now you may be thinking, "Are you gonna kill him? What's going on?!" but no. My brother's bones have special healing properties. I held the bones over Error's mangled body and he began to heal. It took a few minutes of healing and bandaging, but eventually he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

I decided to leave. I had this nagging feeling in my soul saying I needed to find someone. 'But who?' I thought to myself in confusion. 'Oh! I need to find Break!' I thought, teleporting to Nightmare's castle. 'I feel her aura here. Let's check it out!' I sprinted inside, keeping a lookout for Nightmare and Dust, along with my little cousin. Break is super young... so I wouldn't be surprised if Nightmare and Dust were her caretakers. They were the only people from Nightmare's gang that were still alive. I went inside and hid under a table. The movement felt familiar in a way. I shook the thought away and did a search for anyone. I spotted Dust asleep on a couch and Nightmare pacing. He looked deep in thought. Suddenly, a portal opened next to the door. Dust jolted awake and stood on guard next to Nightmare. Out of the portal stepped Classic, Stretch, and Ink. I then saw a small skeleton come in the room. 'Break!' I thought, but stayed hidden. Without a word, a battle broke out. No one seemed to realize little Break was there. No one except Ink. Ink's red eyelights spotted the child instantly, and he himself followed soon after. Eventually, Ink was towering over Break, and the child was just standing there. Whimpering in fear. Ink readied a colorful gaster blaster, and my instincts acted on themselves. I bolted out from under the table, my brother's bones in hand, and blocked the powerful beam. Ink's face was a mixture of confusion, shock, and anger. The comotion on my side of the room halted the rest of the battle as I stood protectively in front of Break. "I suggest you get out of the way." Ink said threateningly. "Sorry man, but my cousin comes first." I replied, earning shock from everyone. Ink chuckled, loading another blaster. He blasted me over and over, and I didn't even bother blocking. I was down to 1HP when he stopped for a second. "Still want to stand there and dust?" he asked darkly. "Sure. As long as you don't touch Break." I huffed out, refusing to show fear. "No promises" is all Ink said as he blasted another. It all went in slow motion. The light beam speeding toward me. All I saw was darkness as I smiled, no, smirked, as dust filled the air.

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