~12~ (End of Book One)

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"WHAT?!" I screamed in shock. "YoU hEaRd Me DuDe" Error replied as if it were the most normal thing ever. "AlSo, SiDe NoTe, YoU cAn'T rEsEt, So YoU hAvE oNe ShOt At ThIs" "WHAT??!!" I yelled again. "I guess you don't know... Nova pitched in. "On a hundredth reset, the Multiverse collapses. When Fate found the power, it was right after the destruction of what used to be here. You haven't been told the whole story from my alternate self."

"When the Multiverse was still alive, and Petal and Void had just died along with everyone else, Nova had the power of reset. She was aware that she had already reset 99 times, but because of the insanity she had gained, she wanted to destroy everything. She reset, and the Multiverse collapsed. Nova was thrown into the Void before the destruction got to her, and it served as a jail for her actions from Fate themself. They then found the other half of the file control and created Ink. Thus, the new Multiverse was created along with Error." "ThE oNly ReAsOn I cAn ReMeMbEr ThE mAjOr ReSeTs Is BeCaUsE I'M pArT oF FAtE." They both explained, and I was once again surprised I kept up with all the information. I took some time to process everything and eventually spoke up. "So you're telling me that we have to defeat Fate 99 times, AND each time will be different and unpredictable?" I asked, shocked. They just nodded. "As a team, I think we can do anything! Come at me Fate!" Change exclaimed, jumping up. "I like the enthusiasm, man!" Break joined. "Alright then, let's do this." I walked out gathered everyone, and went to an open spot in the Anti-Void. I opened a portal to the semi-void and called out for Fate. "Fate! Come out and fight us!" It took a while, but eventually a Fate copy with dark cyan "Skin" and orange eyes crawled from shadows. "That looks like the blob that pushed us!" Break whispered to me. That got me even more upset, because that probably mean the real Fate pushed them in. We all charged, and the battle began.

It took a very, VERY long time, but eventually we were down 98 Fates. "One to go, guys!" I exclaimed. As if on cue, the original Fate came out. They were the most difficult to beat by far. In the end, Fate was defeated and all was silent as dust blew around in the quiet wind. "We did it." I gasped out in a raspy, tired voice. Everyone behind me cheered and we went back to the Anti-Void to sleep. I woke up in the Void. I looked around for a while before finally spotting something in the distance. Or someone. I ran toward them to find the original Nova, back facing me. "Nova, why am I here again?" I asked, confused and a little scared. Her head raised slightly and she giggled deeply. It sounded terrifying... "Did you think it was over, Snova..?" she whispered. "Oh it's FAR from over. Your journey is just beginning!" she continued. I back up a little bit, scared for my life. "You know, I think it would be fun to have more destruction." She kept talking, and I realized the amount of blood and dust on her, along with the blood and dust surrounding us. There was Dust's jacket, Papyrus' scarf, and Change's sweater on the Void floor. I finally realized what was going on as she turned around. She was wearing an insane smile on her face along with more blood and dust. "So why don't we have some FUN?!" she yelled as she lunged toward me.

Change Can Be Good Sometimes...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat