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'Alright, back to reality. Time to find some people...' I thought. For some reason, I remembered this conversation during the last timeline, but I didn't remember who I had it with. I shrugged the chilling fact off and proceeded to collect friends. I explained my plan and they all agreed, even the Star Sanses! After a few days of tension, everyone was getting along great. "Alright Fate" I said to myself. "Time for you to disappear for good."

We got together and discussed the plan, making sure everyone understood. We split off to train and get ready when Dust came up to me. "Hey Snova, there's something you need to see" Dust said panicky, sweating a bit. "I found three skeletons in an alley in MafiaTale, and they're all in a terrible condition!" He exclaimed as I immediately opened a portal. I jumped in and found myself in a dark alleyway. I wandered for a while until I came across something horrifying. There were two crying, bloody skeletons shaking a third limp, bloody, and broken looking skeleton. They were both sobbing in fear, freaking out. One looked like a child while the other one was wearing clothing that looked exactly like mine. The supposedly knocked out skeleton was wearing the same bandana and scarf as me with a purple sweater and blue jacket wrapped around her waist. (It isn't Nova and Change, but it is. It'll be explained later) The child looked similar to Break, a short sleeved light blue shirt and a red jacket wrapped around their waist. They were whispering pleas to the limp one, sobbing. "I suppose you three need help?" I whispered, trying not to startle them. That plan failed. They both jumped out of their figurative skin as their heads whipped around to face me. Their faces turned from fear to confusion when they noticed our similarities. "Y-yes.. P-please..." The older one whispered in reply. I approached them and asked, "So what exactly happened?" W-we were j-just taking a-a walk around our town wh-when this black b-blob with r-red eyes pushed us i-into a p-portal and w-we ended up h-here. Then s-some other s-skeletons started t-to fight us a-and my cousin g-got knocked o-out!" Break stuttered, gesturing toward her supposed cousin. "Alright. We have a camp where we can heal all of you, just come with me." I explained calmly, standing up and opening the portal. "Another portal? What makes you think we'll trust that?" The older skeleton asked, suspicious. At least he'd calmed down and wasn't stuttering anymore. "You can look inside, there are only friendly skeletons in there" I explained, letting them look inside before they carefully stepped in. I followed soon after, holding the knocked out skeleton in my arms, and closed the portal behind me.

The two skeletons took in their surroundings as a few of my friends came toward us. They noticed that the newcomers would probably be uncomfortable, so they kept their distance. "Come on, I'll bring you to Science. He can heal the best out of all of us." I explained to them, leading them to Science's large tent-like lab. As soon as he spotted them in their condition, he got straight to work. Healing, bandaging, checking stats, a sort of check-up I guess. Once the awake ones were healed up, Science focused his full attention on the knocked out one. I decided it was time I at least learn their names. "So, what're your names?" I asked them. "I'm Change Sans, but I go by Change, and this is Break. That over there is Break's cousin and my sister Nova" I recognized the names instantly, realizing those were the names of my cousin and the two skeletons I talked to in the last timeline. But they looked and acted different. 'I wonder...' I thought to myself, but didn't ask. I continued the conversation until their eyelights lit up in excitement, staring at something behind me. I turned around to find Nova sitting up on the bed, clutching her skull. "W.. what..?" she whispered, taking in the scenery around her. "NOVA!!" Change and Break exclaimed, rushing to hug her. "Oh.. oh! Hey you two..!" she realized what was going on and hugged them back. She then turned her head to me. "And who are you, exactly?"

I explained everything to her with some help from Change and Break, and eventually Nova believed me. I then introduced Science, and he became a nervous wreck when Nova thanked him immensely for his help. I directed her outside when she stopped dead in her tracks. "-r-or..?" she whispered, but I didn't quite hear her. "What was that?" I asked before noticing Error also staring a few feet away from us. His eye sockets were blank, but they didn't have the error signs so he wasn't angry. "E-Error? Is that really you..?" Nova whispered, more clear this time. "Yeah. Long time no see" Error replied after relaxing. Nova then teleported to him and jumped in his arms. 'I thought Nova couldn't teleport' I thought, confused. They hugged for a while before walking over to me. "I see you two have met before?" I asked. "YuP. We MeT a WhIlE bAcK wHeN sHe SaVeD mE fRoM tHe StAr SaNsEs AnD mAdE tHe VoIcEs Go AwAy." Error explained. "AlSo, YoU oBvIoUsLy HaVe CoNfUsIoN. So I'm GoInG tO eXpLaIn. CoMe WiTh Me"

(I'm not doing this cApItAl LoWeRcAsE junk. But it's Error talking -_-)

"You've met Change and Nova from a different timeline. It's a little complicated, but this isn't AUs. It's timelines. During the last timeline you met Change and Nova, your two halves. Then you reset. But here's the thing. Nova had the power over files like you, and had given part of that power to Change. So they weren't affected by the reset, but they were. They have they're memories and they know everything that's happened, but for a reset to occur with someone with power over files, there has to be a copy of them. That's why it was locked away in an empty by Void and Petal as a way to keep Fate from making copies of themselves over and over again. Fate hadn't realized when they took that same vessel and created Nova with all of it. Therefor, these copies of them were created. Even so, the copy can't be a real copy. It has to be a different version with different memories. Like an AU, but not. In this timeline, Nova started out alone. She saved me from the Star Sanses, made the voices go away, and left. She found out about Change and Break, her family in this timeline, and reunited with them. This timeline started about a month ago, so it wasn't long after they reunited that they got attacked and met you. That's about it, at least from what I know. Oh one more thing." he paused.

"Fate found the file control a while ago, so we're going to have to defeat 99 Fates."

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