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The first place I decided to visit was the Anti-Void. Error and Dust didn't know me yet, so we could make a fresh start. A better start. I also noticed that my stuttering was gone(totally not cause I was too lazy to write it...), so I wouldn't embarrass myself like before. I could even teleport! No more of that portal nonsense... I teleported to the Anti-Void and almost immediately heard Error's pained screams. 'I just have to remember they don't know me yet...' I thought with a touch of sadness. I slowly approached them, remembering what Dust had told me about how protective he was of Error at this time. I stopped a ways away from them and just said, "Hey..?". Dust jumped a bit, growled, and summoned his magic attacks. I took a step back, like before, and raised my hands in "surrender". "Relax, I mean no harm. I wanna help. Your friend looks like he's in pain." I said in the classic Sans voice. "And exactly how do I know you won't hurt him? How do I know you're not with THEM?" Dust replied, cautious as always. "I hate them, dude. They're more like Star b****es than anything else." I whispered the last part under my breath, but Dust seemed to hear it because he started giggling a bit. "Fine. But if you try anything, I'll dust ya." he agreed, and I slowly approached a whimpering Error. "I've already tried healing him, so don't even try." I heard Dust say and I nodded. I already knew that, and I knew how to help Error in times like these. It'd happened a lot before... I CHECKed him, his soul coming from his chest. It was glitching rapidly, making the cause of the pain Error was feeling. I took the medicine I always carried with me and let a few drops fall on the soul. It was healed instantly. "WhAt..?" Error whispered confused. "It's a special medicine I always carry around for times like these." I said, holding my hand out to help him up. I didn't rush him, knowing he had Haphephobia like me. He carefully took my hand, flinching back a bit, and I slowly pulled him up. "My NaMe'S ErRoR..." he whispered. "That's a nice name! Gosh, I'm jealous now..." I giggled. It seemed to make the skeleton perk up as he smiled a bit. "And I take it you're Dust, right? Nice to meet you!" I extended my hand out to the astonished, dust-covered skeleton for a hand shake. "Wait, you're not scared of me?" he asked, taking my hand. "Of course not! You obviously care a whole bunch about real innocents instead of the fake ones, sooooo..." I replied. "AnD yOuR nAmE iS?" I heard Error ask behind me. "Oh my name is Sans, but you can call me !@#$%^ Sans!" I exclaimed. "!@#$%^ Sans... I like it!" he exclaimed. After that, I was still left wondering why I heard my name glitch whenever I someone said it... Change Sans... I don't remember ever having that name...

We talked for a while, becoming instant friends tibia honest. I had this nagging feeling that we were being watched, but I shook it off. I introduced Error to his "job", but was able to convince Ink that it was a good cause. Next up, friendship between the DreamTale brothers!

I teleported myself to Nightmare's castle and simply knocked on the door. Nightmare had known me in my "lust" form, so I was prepared for an attack on his end. He opened the door slightly. "Heya" I said, jumping back as he recognized my voice. "What're you doin here, Lust?!" he yelled, readying his tentacles. "Actually, my name's Change. Change Sans. Nice to meet ya, Nightmare!" I exclaimed happily. He seemed a bit skeptical, but after seeing my eyes were no longer pink hearts, he lowered his tentacles only slightly. "So... what're you doing here?" he asked. "Two reasons, actually! One, to be friends..." I paused, letting it sink in. He was just confused. "And I want to help your relationship with your brother..." I whispered, bracing myself for frustration. "Why..?" he asked. I sighed in relief at the simple question. "If you and Dream continue to fight, it'll destroy the whole Multiverse" I answered for him. He seemed to ponder this a bit, before saying, "Okay... fine..."

We teleported to DreamTale, mass destruction, crumbled buildings, and craters in the ground. In the center of it all was a dark purple tree and the frozen, stoned figure of the demi-god of dreams: Dream himself. I carefully plucked the last golden apple from the tree and walked to Dream. "How about you do the honors?" I asked, handing Nightmare the delicate apple. "Fine" he replied, taking the apple and putting it on Dream's head. The stone started crumbling as Dream slowly started moving. After a couple minutes, the apple fell and was caught by Dream. He looked a little stunned, but then just terrified when he saw his brother standing there. Nightmare sighed and transformed into his passive form, earning more confusion from Dream. "Heya" is all Nightmare said for the situation. Although, he WAS smiling slightly. "H-heya..?" Dream stuttered slightly, tears threatening to release themselves. Nightmare simply teleported to his brother and... hugged him..? Dream seemed confused, but that was soon flooded away by joy. They stood in each other's embrace for a long time before I couldn't help myself. "Most adorable thing I've ever seen" Dream had apparently not even realized I was there, because he jumped out of his non-existent skin. "Oh, uuhh... I'm !@#$%^ Sans! Nice to meet you, Dream" I said, waving from a distance in case he saw me as a threat. "Oh! Hiya there!" he exclaimed. 'Why was I afraid again..? Hello, demi-god of Positivity!' I thought, mentally facepalming. After the family reunion, the ending restarted. Happiness, no LOVE just love! Which means... oh god please no...

"Welcome back, !@#$%^ 01"

"Why? Why can't you just let us be happy?!"

"As I said before, this ending is cliche. It could be different. More exciting."

"So what, we're just your toys? Puppets for you to mess around with?!"



"I will now send you somewhere different. I like to call it my 'trash zone'. An empty abyss where only one other MISTAKE lives. Have fun~                                          

...Change Sans"

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