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"WeLp, It'S nIgHtTiMe In ThE AUs, sO?" Error hinted. Everyone just nodded and collapsed, wanting sleep more than anything. I noticed Nightmare and Error cuddling up to each other, which made me giggle. 'So cute' I thought as I dozed off.

I woke up in black. Nothing else, just black. "Hello..?" I called into the darkness, recognizing the place slightly. In the distance, I saw four figures. I recognized two of them as my brothers, which made me very confused. What confused me more though.. Was the fact that I saw two other skeletons that resembled me in many ways. The male was wearing the same clothing as me, had the same face, and his eyes were the same as my left one. The female was wearing the same bandana I had, and Papyrus' scarf. She had the same cracks in her skull as me, but a lot more. It was as if they were two halves of me... "Hi, Snova!" the unknown male exclaimed, seemingly excited to see me. "Uh... hi?" I hesitated, honestly having no idea what to say. "We understand your confusion, but we need you to listen for a while. We have a lot to explain to you." Papyrus whispered softly, putting me at slight ease. "Alright.. But who are you two?" I asked, gesturing to the unknown skeletons. "Oh! I'm Change Sans, this is Nova. As you figured before, we're pretty much two halves of your soul. Also yes, we're in your mind so we know what you're thinking." The male, Change Sans, explained. 'Wait so he knows what I'm thinking?' I thought, earning a nod from everyone but Nova. She just looked empty. "Have seat dude, we have some things to explain" Dust said, sitting and patting the floor next to him. I sat down and Nova took a deep breath.

"To start this off simply, you don't know what you think you know. You know part of what we know while you know nothing, you know?" (confused yet?) She proceeded to explain so much, I'm surprised I kept up at all. Even so, afterward I understood why I recognized certain things. Because Nova or Change had done them when they lived! "So... um... what now?" I asked, honestly confused. "You need to save the Multiverse. You need to defeat Fate. You need to RESET and save them. Not even the major Sanses will remember it, so you'll be alright." Nova reassured me. "Good luck" she whispered, finalizing her explanation. Then they disappeared. I sat there for a bit, then pulled up my files.



Are you sure?



Change Can Be Good Sometimes...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz